Vent: I absolutely HATE stupidity! Not ignorance.....STUPIDITY!!


5-month-old baby sent from the clinic 10 miles away for a respiratory workup. Baby arrived in an infant carrier with a heavy furry blanket over him. Remove that blanket and find Baby resting on top of another one....with the seat's safety straps under that! After eval and treatment, as part of his discharge, I spoke with mom via an interpreter about the carrier and the child safety seat law. First the mom lies and says that she put the blanket under Baby when they got to the hospital. I confronted her on that and she just laughed. When I asked her if she knew what the law was, she was able to recite it. Her brother drove her and Baby to the ER and he tried to excuse it by saying "I'm a very safe driver."

I am so tired of the stupidity, and stupidity is just what it is. Just around Thanksgiving there was an SUV rollover, with a 2-month-old ejected and killed. Two older kids in the car were badly injured, as well as the grandma. The baby's mom was driving down the freeway, Grandma was in the back seat changing baby's diaper, and the two older kids were in seats but improperly restrained.

There is no excuse for this county all medicaid moms who get prenatal care go through a program and get free strollers and corificeats, and they're taught how to use those corificeats.

How many more children have to die before this stops???

The "stupid" that burns me up the most is the breeding that occurs between drug/alcohol addicted partners resulting in a child with lifelong mental and physical deficits. I support mandatory tubal ligations and vasectomies for these people. If they choose nt to get well thats their choice-they shouldn't have the "right" to sentence another human being to a life of misery.

Concerning car seat laws. In OK it is required that the driver be belted in and that children be in appropriate car seats. Too bad the law didn't apply to all adults in the SUV that tried to pass a sand truck during our current ice storm. They might be all be alive now rather than 1 dead and 2 in serious condition. The driver made it OK. People who do not follow logic to maintain their safety are rebellious in my opinion, not just stupid, and if their lives didn't effect others then it might be OK to leave the law the way it is. If someone is so rebellious that they won't wear a seat belt or helmet while on a motorcycle I still think the law needs to be there and enforce it. Maybe the states could make enough money off of the fines to help pay for the injuries-------oh, I must be in a dream world. Good night.

My 17-yr-old recently was photographed running a red light and is waiting for the citation to arrive in the mail. She had some friends in the car and this weekend was asking if she would get a fine because they weren't belted in. I told her Yes, if it's obvious in the photograph. She started talking about making her friends pay her back for that part, and I said, "Why are you going to make your friends pay for your mistake???" My husband had to forbid her from making her friends pay for that.

And she wonders why I won't let her drive her baby sister anywhere......

Specializes in Public Health, DEI.
My 17-yr-old recently was photographed running a red light and is waiting for the citation to arrive in the mail. She had some friends in the car and this weekend was asking if she would get a fine because they weren't belted in. I told her Yes, if it's obvious in the photograph. She started talking about making her friends pay her back for that part, and I said, "Why are you going to make your friends pay for your mistake???" My husband had to forbid her from making her friends pay for that.

And she wonders why I won't let her drive her baby sister anywhere......

I've seen those images before. If there were people in the back, it may not even be clear that they weren't belted in.

Yeah, I know they're pretty bad. She had a friend in the front seat, though, and that one would show up if the pic's clear enough. She hasn't gotten anything in the mail yet, though, so it's possible that the photo wasn't even clear enough to reveal her plate number.


why bring race into this?

haven't you noticed that there some people who bring race into everything?

i don't think "stupidity" is the issue though.

the original post said the arrogant, laughing :monkeydance: mother, could quote the law.

that's not stupid folks.:trout:

denial is not a river in egypt.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

Here is another VERY stupid thing, my mother would never wear a seatbelt because she thought they weren't safe, that they would keep her trapped in a car. Scary! So I told her when she rode with me she, is to wear her seatbelt and she refused time and time again so one day I lost it and told her to buckle up or get out and walk. She also would argue about the kids needing seats but she was quickly set straight on that one, no car seats, no visit with the kids. It sure is frustrating though!!!!!!!!

you are all right on this corificeat thing...

take it even time you ship your (infant/toddler) patient to another hospital by ground ambulance, PLEASE ensure the ambulance crew safely uses proper child restraints in the back of the ambulance...

those of us in the ER have seen the medic place the toddler on mom's lap...

speak out and stop THIS stupidity, as it often goes unnoticed, but it really is the same stupidity...

another one- schoolbuses - my daughter was injured ( thankfully not seriously ) when the bus was plowed into from behind -now granted she was sitting backwards - but she was young and foolish and had she had a belt she wouldnt have been sitting indian style backwards- i dont get why buses dont have to have them - seems silly and stupid to me .

I am a firm believer that ignorance can be cured stupid is forever!

Specializes in critical care.
another one- school buses - my daughter was injured ( thankfully not seriously ) when the bus was plowed into from behind -now granted she was sitting backwards - but she was young and foolish and had she had a belt she wouldn't have been sitting Indian style backwards- i don't get why buses don't have to have them - seems silly and stupid to me .

Here's an interesting link pertaining to the lack of seatbelts on buses (school buses in particular).

I'm not an expert, but it seems as though there are other ways, such as the 'compartmentalization' concept that allegedly make seatbelts on school buses less safe. That said, new European school buses come equipped with seat belts, so I'm not certain what the solution is.

NHTSA statements argue against seatbelt use in heavy passenger vehichles such as school buses (which use the compartmentalization safety concept). Others claim the NHTSA statements are mere propaganda -- cost being the motivating factor for the absence of seatbelts.

School buses in at least 16 districts in NYC have had seatbelts since the 80s ... Even if they're not required (based on the compartmentalization concept), the use of seatbelts on school buses would seem to implant the idea at a young age that seatbelt use is "natural". We would hope this would transfer into higher seatbelt compliance in the lighter vehicles most will occupy or drive in the future.

FYI, one law states that the driver of a vehichle is responsible for ensuring seatbelt compliance for under-age passengers in any vehicle equipped with seatbelts ... I'm sure school bus drivers would ensure such compliance if the buses they drove were equipped with seatbelts.


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