Vanderbilt Nurse Residency Winter 2018

Nurses Job Hunt



I am graduating in December and I have the summer off so I've begun looking at potential places that I'd like to work.

I'm thinking I'd like to do a nurse residency because I want to work in a pediatric Critical Care setting (PICU or Peds ER) and I feel like having that whole year with someone helping me and that I can ask questions without feeling like an annoying dummy.

Anyways, I was wondering if anyone here was looking at Vanderbilt's Nurse Residency for February 2018? I'm not from Nashville, but I'm also not too far away as I'm from North Alabama. I'd appreciate any tips about the residency or about Nashville!


Just got called and they have no more PICU spots so I was emailed a list of the rest of the available spots to interview for. I don't know what to do because I had my heart set on peds.

Just got called and they have no more PICU spots so I was emailed a list of the rest of the available spots to interview for. I don't know what to do because I had my heart set on peds.

Is this only for pediatric ICU or all of the peds ICU areas (PCICU, NICU, etc)?

Would you be interested in any of the other units available? I'm sorry the PICU is full :(. There were no more spots on the CVICU but I am interviewing for the burn unit

The email says Pediatric ICU track, but I think it's just PICU. Plus she's probably still calling people.

I just don't know which other track I should take. I want because I feel the residency program would benefit me (I'm a scared student who wouldn't feel right with a month and a half of Orientation then being set free to work alone). I'm trying to decide if I'd prefer heart stuff (my hospital here is all about the hearts) or oncology (which I have NO experience). Anyone doing cardiac Stepdown or oncology and want to weigh pros and cons with me? Lol

I spent some clinical time on 's cardiac stepdown unit and it was great, definitely one of my favorite clinical experiences. I can't speak for oncology because I don't have any clinical experience (or any interest to be honest), but I was impressed with their cardiac stepdown unit. Good luck!

Has anyone heard back about a NICU position?

Has anyone heard back about a NICU position?

No! I was told Phone calls will continue through the first of next week.

Did anyone get an interview for Peds ED?

Nurse_courtney, when did you schedule you interview for? I got an interview for PCICU also! Scheduled for September 26th.. Wish i could have made it sooner but they left a voicemail on my old phone (switching service provider) and i didn't get to schedule till day after they called. I wonder how many people are interviewing? It seemed like there were a lot of times available...

Did anyone else schedule an interview for peds icu or similar?

I got a call notifying me that pediatric interviews were full. I applied for the NICU track, but was offered an interview in adult medical, adult surgery, or cardiac. I scheduled an interview for the adult surgical track.

Since application cycle is earlier than most years, any idea of when offers are expected to be made?

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