UTMB UTHealh fall 2017

U.S.A. Texas


I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct forum and I know I'm a wee bit early, but is there anyone out there near Houston getting ready to apply for fall 2017 in a couple of months ?? Where are you academically ? I have micro and Chem left for this fall and I'm applying right before deadlines ! I keep saying it's far away, but it keeps coming closer and closer !

Thanks for this. I'm second guessing the way that I wrote my entrance essay. I wouldn't panic except when I called to check on my application she said they may not even look at me over my TEAS English section but other than that I looked very competitive, more so for spring than summer. I made a 77.3 on my TEAS and it would have been significantly higher except I BOMBED the English with a 68. I made above a 75 on every other section. I was hoping my personal statement would really pull me up. Clearly I can read, speak, and write English well. I wrote a thesis both times I was in grad school and I've been published multiple times. I'm retaking my TEAS on Wednesday just in case I don't get in and need to apply for Spring. I would have retaken it sooner but I was in the middle of having back surgery and it just didn't work out well enough for there to be a date open before Wednesday. I just hope it's all enough. I've never not been accepted to an academic program I applied to and I don't want this to be the first that happens with. Guess we shall see soon.

I made a 90% on my TEAS with a 78% on my English section part of the TEAS and still didn't get emailed for an interview so yeah don't feel bad.

Just an fyi RB_dez, a few students in my classes got direct admission emails for the fall AFTER I received my emails. With stats like yours, I wouldn't be surprised if you got the same email in a few days. They got their emails today and yesterday, so yours may be coming too. Good luck either way.

I made a 90% on my TEAS with a 78% on my English section part of the TEAS and still didn't get emailed for an interview so yeah don't feel bad.

Hey ya'll! I am new to this thread, I have been chatting in another thread called "Fall 2017: UT Health Science Center Houston"! Feel free to come talk there as well. I am applying to only UTHealth for Fall of 17. I just took my Hesi on March 3rd and did not do as well as I had hoped (i will list my stats below). Im excited to keep in touch and go through this process with some support. Good luck to everybody applying!

Overall GPA: 3.6

Overall Hesi: 85.2

Reading: 88

Math: 88

Grammar: 86

Vocabular: 88

A&P: 76 (this is what killed my chances of getting in)

I retook my TEAS exam today and I'm so glad I did. I scored lower on my English than I originally though. I thought I made a 68 on the English section but I must have looked incorrectly because I actually made a 62.5. Today I scored 13.5 points higher on that section! I Also scored 3 points higher overall. So my revised stats are as follows:

Overall: 80

Science: 78.1

Math 84.4

Reading: 83.1

English 75

I also found out UTMB is going to update my scores and the new scores will be valid for the fall application. Relieved to have significant improvement!

Just received my DENIED email from UTMB. Perfect timing since I officially received my DENIED letter from UTHealth in the mail yesterday. Just need one from UTA now and I'll have hit the trifecta of denials.

I'm sorry man :sorry:

Just received my DENIED email from UTMB. Perfect timing since I officially received my DENIED letter from UTHealth in the mail yesterday. Just need one from UTA now and I'll have hit the trifecta of denials.
I'm sorry man :sorry:

Thanks...I just have to roll with it. I left a very lucrative career to pursue this, so I'm not giving up anytime soon. It's just taking much longer than expected.

Don't give up, you can do this. It'll be that much more worth it when you do get in. Good luck to you!

Thanks...I just have to roll with it. I left a very lucrative career to pursue this, so I'm not giving up anytime soon. It's just taking much longer than expected.

I haven't received an interview invitation but also haven't received a denied email just yet. Anyone on the same boat?

🙋🏻 I'm in the same boat. Hoping to hear something this week. I'll be filling out a spring application on Thursday since I have no definite answer.

I haven't received an interview invitation but also haven't received a denied email just yet. Anyone on the same boat?
I haven't received an interview invitation but also haven't received a denied email just yet. Anyone on the same boat?


patiently waiting

Those of you who have received invites or been accepted already, would any of you mind sharing your personnel statements so we can see what a successful one looks like?

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