UTHSC Traditional BSN Spring 2014 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


I have seen many threads for previous applicants for past semesters to the UT Houston School of Nursing. I wanted to start one myself as I am applying for the spring 2014 traditional BSN and have yet to find a thread for it. Although I opened it for applicants, I would also encourage previous applicants, current/previous students, and applicants for other semesters at UTHSC to join in and share in this exciting time!

Hi Nursingqueen1!

I think your stats are great and definitely competitive enough. I was not accepted for Spring 2014 however I was put on the waitlist. I have noticed they take a wide range of GPA's, most are closer to 4.0's however. I don't know if there is any specific method to their madness. Good luck on your application process, I am sure you will do great!

I'm only going to have a 3.79 prerequisites and 4.0 science idk if that is competitive enough. Im taking Chem in the spring I will have all my prerequisites complete.

That's definitely a competitive GPA, just try to score around a 90 or above total on your HESI and you should have a very good chance. Good luck to you! :)

Okay! That is my goal!

Do you know anything about housing or university apartments that are available and cheap?

Also do you know if they look down upon repeated courses and not having all of the pre reqs complete? I still have chemistry pending it will be done at the end of spring.


Okay! That is my goal! Do you know anything about housing or university apartments that are available and cheap? Also do you know if they look down upon repeated courses and not having all of the pre reqs complete? I still have chemistry pending it will be done at the end of spring. Thanks!

I'm not sure about housing. I live in Katy & will be commuting. As for repeated courses, I'm sure if it came between someone with the same stats, but no repeated courses, they'd probably choose that person, but who knows; they seem to be pretty erratic when it comes to acceptances. And I don't think pending prereqs will hurt you any. Most of us that were accepted for the Spring are still completing prereqs.

Hey guys, I'm a current UTHSC SON student who will be graduating on Dec 12th. I happened upon allnurses.com again, and remembered how I felt the same anxiety all of you are feeling currently about starting at UTHSC. I also remembered how alumni from the school helped me out when I first got into the school, and I figured I would do the same. So if any of you have any questions, and I mean anything pertaining to nursing school, feel free to ask me on here. I'm currently in the middle of finishing up clinicals and finals, but when I get the time, I will be happy to answer any questions.

Just for starters, don't even bother speculating on how they choose applicants. People who claimed to have 4.0's and near perfect HESI scores were rejected during my application process, and some of my current classmates had GPA's as low as 3.2 and were still accepted.

After being in the program in its entirety, I still have no idea how they go about choosing applicants.

Also, if you haven't already done so, start a Facebook group for your class. You all are going to want to get familiar with each other.

Another awesome thing to start would be a class Wiggio group for file sharing. There are a TON of study materials from my class and previous classes that you all are going to want readily accessible, and Wiggio is a great tool for that.

Above all, rest up and be ready to hit the ground running when you start the program. I would definitely describe the program as sink-or-swim. In my first semester, out of the 150 students in my class, a little over 50 failed patho. Take that as you will.

Good morning everyone! I've been watching this forum for the past few weeks trying to create an account so that I could post as well. I was accepted to the Pacesetters program beginning in Spring, 2014! I would love to join the Facebook group, but have not been able to locate it. Could someone please post the link on here so that I could join? Thank you so much!


I have done a little bit of research on housing for the school. UTHSC does have student apartments (1, 2 or 3 bedroom I believe) available but I believe it's somewhat competitive to get a spot. There is a link to some information and the application on the Nursing page of the UTHSC website. I've also found that the farther away you live from the medical center, the cheaper you can find housing. I found a 2 bedroom apartment just down the street from the school that was $1600 a month, about $750 per person. Good luck!

Anyone on the waitlist heard anything yet? Or anyone decide to accept somewhere else and get off the waitlist? I'm wondering if the list has gotten smaller due to the wait.

I'm not sure how to post a link on here. Just search UTHSC SON class of May 2015

I'm on the wait list and have not heard anything yet. I had an interview with another program today, and should find out if I'm accepted this Thursday or Friday. If I'm accepted there, I will give up my wait list spot with UTHSC.

I just talked to ---- again and she said she has only been able to pull about 1-2 people off the waitlist so far because not many people are declining acceptances.

Psteward, Did she tell you how many people still left on the list

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