UTHSC Traditional BSN Spring 2014 Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


I have seen many threads for previous applicants for past semesters to the UT Houston School of Nursing. I wanted to start one myself as I am applying for the spring 2014 traditional BSN and have yet to find a thread for it. Although I opened it for applicants, I would also encourage previous applicants, current/previous students, and applicants for other semesters at UTHSC to join in and share in this exciting time!

I hope to hear back before then!! How many people here are on the waitlist??

I'm on the wait list. I wonder if anyone has been called off the wait list yet?

I think there is about 6 of us on the wait list! I don't think anyone has been called yet!

I was also put on the wait list but have been accepted to UTMB

Did you reply to the email telling them to take you off? That's awesome that you got accepted to utmb!

I am also on the waitlist! I thought there were 20 people on the waitlist??? Will they tell us either way if we got a seat in the program or not, or only if we were accepted? I have so many questions! Lol

I'm sure there are people not on this form but on the waitlist. She said around 20 so maybe less. I'm guessing if you haven't gotten an email by dec 20th then they will send out a rejection letter.

I got accepted too! I am super excited! I just can't wait!

I got accepted too! I am super excited! I just can't wait!

OMG that's awesome! Don't forget to join the FB page :) We'll have to meet up at orientation! Congrats!!!

Hi everyone! Congratulations to everyone who was admitted to the spring/summer 2014 program. I'm applying for fall 2014. Does anyone have any advise for the application process?

I called and asked what the admission decision was based on. I was told cumulative gpa, science, prerequisites and hesi. I thought the overall gpa from all classes taken wasn't a factor. Also I had two transcripts sent over and but when I called to ask if they received them they said they did but I informed to registrar lady it wasn't updated on my portal so she updated it. That was a little irritating.

I'm only going to have a 3.79 prerequisites and 4.0 science idk if that is competitive enough. Im taking Chem in the spring I will have all my prerequisites complete.

I will have all my prerequisites complete after Chem in the spring.

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