Published Nov 9, 2019
Jedrnurse, BSN, RN
2,776 Posts
I've found that a lot of details from A&P have been memory-purged, big time. If it's not applicable to my immediate area of practice, the stuff from class fades into oblivion. Occasionally I wish it hadn't.
What kinds of books/texts do people recommend for refreshing and reference? (I'd prefer to avoid the kind of level that goes into close detail of the 5th step of the Kreb's Cycle, as those factoids will probably not do me much good...)
Rose_Queen, BSN, MSN, RN
6 Articles; 11,976 Posts
I prefer online reputable sources- textbooks tend to be outdated by the time they've made it to print. Less of an issue if you're speaking specifically of anatomy, but new discoveries do happen. I like Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins patient facing websites- typically come up high in Google results and are easy to understand when getting outside of my own specialty/experiemce comfort zone. Usually it's not just the anatomy I'm looking up but also pathophysiology and the other information that goes along with a disease process.
10 Articles; 19,050 Posts
Along with the above website, I use:
The eMedicine point-of-care clinical reference features up-to-date, searchable, peer-reviewed medical articles organized in specialty-focused textbooks, including pathophysiology and up to date treatment guidelines.
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
Ah, the good ol' Krebs cycle. I remember it from Chemistry, Nutrition, and A & P and once could have explained the whole thing to you backwards and forwards. That was over 25 years ago. It really is "use it or lose it"---I rely on Google for that kind of information now.
I've been known to pull out my old Guyton Physiology when arguing with my son over medical question too.
20 Posts
I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone with this! I'll have someone bring up something that I know I once knew, but for the life of me cannot remember. It is a shame, because I loved learning about A&P and other related classes.
160 Posts
On 11/10/2019 at 1:55 AM, VivaLasViejas said:Ah, the good ol' Krebs cycle. I remember it from Chemistry, Nutrition, and A & P and once could have explained the whole thing to you backwards and forwards. That was over 25 years ago. It really is "use it or lose it"---I rely on Google for that kind of information now.
Oh the dreaded Kreb's cycle! I'm impressed you knew it so well.
I forgot all those details the day after the test which was in 1976.
stockmanjr, BSN
131 Posts
20 hours ago, Risable said:I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone with this! I'll have someone bring up something that I know I once knew, but for the life of me cannot remember. It is a shame, because I loved learning about A&P and other related classes.
Same here it's Google for me lately.
ruby_jane, BSN, RN
3,142 Posts
22 hours ago, Risable said:I'm so glad to hear that I'm not alone with this! I'll have someone bring up something that I know I once knew, but for the life of me cannot remember. It is a shame, because I loved learning about A&P and other related classes.
If I can look it up I can't afford the RAM space up there...