Published Jun 11, 2008
597 Posts
Does any one know a good web site for figuring out US medications?
I was reading a thread on the CCU page, and keep finding that I have to try googling the drugs, to find their 'official' names. Just so I can understand the disscussion
I know that in the UK, that there have been problems making the switch from British standard names, to European, but throwing in American brand names seem to make it more difficult.
I had no idea Glucophage was actually metformin! and some others I need to google later.
So... I just wondered if there was a sticky thread anywhere with a list of US names and UK names, or any one had any web sites.
If there isn't a sticky thread, could we arrange one? I'm sure it would be a great resource, and if we all put our heads together it wouldn't take long to make a helpful list (obviously not the size of the BNF) but large enough to help people naviagate the discussion on these boards?
1 Article; 3,019 Posts
No your not the only one struggling with the US names.
I will have a hunt to see if there is a thread about it
Have stickied this thread.
WIll have a little hunt around for some of the common drugs and post a few a little later
This is quite a useful site
I found the search feature on this site to be helpful
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
If you come across names and struggle to find the UK version just post it here and we can all have a look see
628 Posts
some drugs that we use here, there doesnt always seem to be a comparison, we use diaudid for pain, and demerol, also called meperidine, but have never found the uk equivelant. although generic names are usually the same, but just not used by americans.
i find that i am beginning to forget the uk name....
some drugs that we use here, there doesnt always seem to be a comparison, we use diaudid for pain, and demerol, also called meperidine, but have never found the uk equivelant. although generic names are usually the same, but just not used by americans.i find that i am beginning to forget the uk name....
i've struggled to find diaudid i'm glad it's not just me.
tylenol is paracetamol isn't it?
yes, paracetomol is tylenol or aceteminophin, it comes in 325mgs or extra strength is 500mgs !!!!
dilaudid is the drug of choice over here for drug seekers, they suddenly become allergic to morphine and demerol so that they can get it prescribed for them, and once addicted return time and again with mysterious ailments to get their fix. legally prescribed by the docs.
1,038 Posts
pethidine isn't it
nasty drug ...
another one of the same drug different generic approved name like paracetamol / acetaminophen
You beat me to it Zippy, I was going to say that sounds a bit like Pethadine
nightmare, RN
1 Article; 1,297 Posts
Is it Dilaudid? Which is Hydromorphone here...Palladone.