University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)-Spring 2011

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello all and Congratulations on your acceptance! :yeah:

I just wanted to start a new posting for everyone starting Spring 2011 at UMB/UMB Shady Grove for nursing school, all levels. Please post any questions/information that you wish to share here.

When i received my phone call this morning I was told that we all would be getting our letters and packets of information in the next week or two.

I am very excited to say the least. I am going to get working on getting my vaccine titers and looking into updating my CPR certification to the one needed for school. What all are you doing to get ready?

On the Class Schedule Listing site, there are two courses listed for Shady Grove campus "NURS304." The first one is "Intro to Prof Nursing Practice" and the other is a "Communications Module." I'm assuming we should choose the first one (Intro to Prof Nursing), but just wanted to run this by all of you and see what you think. I think what threw me off was that both classes have the same course number but different titles.

**Update: Nevermind, silly me, the communications module is an extension of the Intro to Prof Nursing class (I think). Although both are listed as being 4 credits, I think they mean cumulatively they are 4 credits.

The 304 Communications Module is part of the 304 course but it is only a four week module concentrating on nurse-patient communications. It is required. You need to register for both.

I think it's 13-14th Jan from 9a-4p.

Fjnal schedule is not ready yet but plan on 9 am to 4 pm both days.

Specializes in Onc.
You can find BLS for healthcare provider class on AHA site.

Many Options (time and location) from now until Jan 12th, 2011.

Below is the link for classes in MD. You can also search by radius. They do offer classes in DC/VA area as well.

Good luck!

Sorry, the link doesn't open the link...I don't know why but this one should work.

Just plug in date range and location.

Has anyone's admissions status gone from "Admit-Institution" to "Accept Applicant" yet?

Hi All,

Congratulations on all who were accepted to the Spring 2011 program! I know I cannot wait to start! :) Has anyone looked at housing yet? I am interested in finding a roommate that may want to live in an apartment downtown, hopefully in safe, secure area. Has anyone heard of good recommendations?

Does UMB offer these classes on campus?

Hey everyone,

Has anyone already submitted their Confirmation Forms?

The form says that you have to mail in the

-Medical History form

-Copy of CPR certification card

-Receipt of deposit payment (if you paid it online)

-Official Final Transcript (if you had incomplete courses when you applied)

Is it okay to just send in the things I have done? I haven't done the CPR class- will it be okay to just email it later, as well as the medical history form?

Hi monokuroboo,

I sent my confirmation form in this week. As long as you send the signed form, receipt of payment, and criminal background check notification, you should be goo to go. I think you need to have the medical history completed 8 weeks from the date on the acceptance letter. The final transcript just needs to be sent before classes start.

I have on prereq that will be completed next week, so I went ahead and filled out a form to have my school send UMB my official transcript as soon as grades are posted. I'm also taking a CPR class this week, and I think you need to have to copies of your certification by orientation (don't quote me on that however, I'd have to double check.)

Hope this helps!

Thanks, I almost forgot the criminal history form; good thing I read your reply before putting it into the envelope!

1 other thing,

have you registered for any classes yet?

On the 'new bsn student registration information' sheet, the first step to 'begin the registration process' is to 'logon to the schedule located at' .... that website doesn't work for me. And, why does it tell us to click the arrow for the term as the fall 2010 semester... that's not right, is it?

I tried to register for classes, you have to fill out a pdf document and then send it to the e-mail address listed on the class registration paper. It wouldn't let me do that, however, until they had received my confirmation and payment. There's not too much to worry about though, each person is guaranteed a spot in all sections, and the labs are being assigned to us. :-) Just check back tomorrow or Friday and see if it will let you send the e-mail. There was a typo on the original document, it should have said "Spring 2011" instead of "Fall 2010".

Yeah, there's not even a Registration button when I logged in to surfs.

Thanks for your help :)

Specializes in Onc.

On surf Welcome to SURFS , you can click on blue box with graphic on the left saying click here to sign on to surf to register classes and etc....

I've tried but the farthest I could go to set up an account as 1st time user it said no match of my record. I believe I'll have to wait until the hold is removed?? So I did email class registration form.

For Shady Grove, I did send/email a copy of CPR and med history to Kathie Dever and PPD to Leslie Ricks in addition to a copy to Student Health. Don't forget the HIPPA form!

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