University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)-Spring 2011

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello all and Congratulations on your acceptance! :yeah:

I just wanted to start a new posting for everyone starting Spring 2011 at UMB/UMB Shady Grove for nursing school, all levels. Please post any questions/information that you wish to share here.

When i received my phone call this morning I was told that we all would be getting our letters and packets of information in the next week or two.

I am very excited to say the least. I am going to get working on getting my vaccine titers and looking into updating my CPR certification to the one needed for school. What all are you doing to get ready?

I got my acceptance packet today! woohoo.

Dear Grey Lady... it says that I am classified as out of state - how can I change the status? I've lived in MD nearly my entire life... I moved to NYC for 3 years and just have been back in MD for a 13 months now and by the time school starts it will be 15 months... do I qualify for in-state?

thanks for your help!

I really don't know how that works but Student Accounting can tell you.

Specializes in Onc.

Is it true that if we missed one class, we would have to start over next semester?

I really do have a schedule conflict and might miss the 1st day of class.

Hi Grey Lady,

I was wondering when we get our student e-mail addresses. Do we just use our own for now?

Is it true that if we missed one class, we would have to start over next semester?

I really do have a schedule conflict and might miss the 1st day of class.

Not true for classes, could be true for clinicals but they don't start for a while. If you can avoid missing the first day of school you really should. If you absolutely can't, be sure you find someone at Orientation who is willing to take great notes for you and thank them heartily when they do. In addition to class notes, there are usually announcements that you will not want to miss.

Hi Grey Lady,

I was wondering when we get our student e-mail addresses. Do we just use our own for now?

Yes, please just use your current email address, the same one you put on your application as that is the only one we have. You will receive information about how to set up your school email address soon.

I received my packet Tuesday, in the mail! I already paid the deposit and am in the process of mailing off the confirmation page. I seem to have trouble registering for classes; do I need to wait until they receive the confirmation page?

Anyone who has managed to register for class please let me know how you did it. I can't even login to the general SURFS webpage (not the SURFS admission one) since I'm having trouble creating a new myUMB account.

The entire student database was down for upgrading and that included registration so nobody was able to register during that time. You will receive information soon about registering for classes if it is not in your packet. (I have not yet seen one.) In any case, you need not worry. You are guaranteed a seat in all your required classes and there is only one section of each, so you really do not have any choices. We will assign you to your two labs and you will have an opportunity to trade with other students. So registration is not a big deal - you can relax!!

Does anyone know the hours of the orientation dates for Shady Grove? Is it all day, just the morning, or just the afternoon? I'm trying to see if I can fit some work into those couple of days since they are pretty much my last days of work anyways.

Specializes in Onc.

I think it's 13-14th Jan from 9a-4p.

Anyone know about CPR classes at the Baltimore campus?

FYI: Because the SURFs system was down from late Wednesday until this morning, the Office of Student Accounting is behind on verifying our deposits (if you did it online). I paid on Tuesday and called the office of admissions today about trouble registering. The person I spoke with said that we won't be able to register until both our Confirmation page and deposit are verified and noted on our file.

Specializes in Onc.

You can find BLS for healthcare provider class on AHA site.

Many Options (time and location) from now until Jan 12th, 2011.

Below is the link for classes in MD. You can also search by radius. They do offer classes in DC/VA area as well.

Good luck!

On the Class Schedule Listing site, there are two courses listed for Shady Grove campus "NURS304." The first one is "Intro to Prof Nursing Practice" and the other is a "Communications Module." I'm assuming we should choose the first one (Intro to Prof Nursing), but just wanted to run this by all of you and see what you think. I think what threw me off was that both classes have the same course number but different titles.

**Update: Nevermind, silly me, the communications module is an extension of the Intro to Prof Nursing class (I think). Although both are listed as being 4 credits, I think they mean cumulatively they are 4 credits.

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