University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB)-Spring 2011

U.S.A. Maryland


Hello all and Congratulations on your acceptance! :yeah:

I just wanted to start a new posting for everyone starting Spring 2011 at UMB/UMB Shady Grove for nursing school, all levels. Please post any questions/information that you wish to share here.

When i received my phone call this morning I was told that we all would be getting our letters and packets of information in the next week or two.

I am very excited to say the least. I am going to get working on getting my vaccine titers and looking into updating my CPR certification to the one needed for school. What all are you doing to get ready?

Hi! Congrats to you all for getting into one of the best nursing programs in the country! I am actually a first semester senior at UMB. I have the 304 book for sale if any of you have yet to buy your books! I am selling it for $55! Far less than the bookstore! I am also considering selling the 333 book.

Anyone know how to sign up for the health insurance plan? The UMB website has a link to Employee Portal - Sign In

, but I wasn't able to log in there.

through that website enter the user ID as your student ID @00 number and password is your birthday and year. once you're in - it walks you through the steps.

Insurance kicks into effect Feb 1

Hope this helps!

Thank you! Just to clarify though: what should the format be for "birthday and year"?

sorry nevermind - I figured it out: mmddyyyy

It's only letting me sign up for medical though, not dental...

I spoke to student health for dental you have to fill out a form and hand it in to the student account center in order to sign up - you can't do it online... I'm not too sure why...

hope this helps!

Specializes in Emergency Department.

It looks like I will be sitting on the CNL student panel during Baltimore orientation on Wednesday, just before lunch. If you have any questions we can't answer during that hour, feel free to stop me after the panel and introduce yourself, or feel free to PM me. Good luck everyone!

Hi all, just seeing how everyones semesters are going. I WAS supposed to go to Shady Grove this semester however all those Baltimore campus packets sent to me were not mistakes, they were really for me. Apparently they had me as a Bmore campus person. Of course I found this out kind of late, so I deferred enrollment until fall so I can get myself situated in Bmore or transfer to Shady Grove. I had previously given the 2 weeks for my job since I heard school and work was hard, but luckily they took me back :) You'll probably see me on here more as the Fall semester approaches, and good luck on your current semester!

Hi Grey lady.. i was just wondering how hard it is to get in as please what kind of gpa should i aim for? how were your teas scores? any tips would be helpful. how is it going for you so far now..

Can anyone estimate the entire cost for University of Maryland School of Nursing ? including uniforms and supplies per term. i keep seeing differed cost amounts im thinking $7000 -$8000 per semester right ?

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