Published Nov 2, 2008
Nacki, MSN, NP
344 Posts
So, I'm new to my unit. Been there about 6mths. The staff collects $26/yr from nurses and $13/yr from CNAs for unit functions involving money such as baby showers, flowers for a death, and for the annual Christmas party. Not a big amount, but still my money...My deal is that I don't want to contribute, with my thought being, I will contribute to each individual situation as I see fit. I don't plan on going to the Christmas party, so why should I pay for it? I don't want to contribute to each and every baby shower or wedding so why should I pay dues? Does anyone else have unit dues? How do you feel about this?
295 Posts
It sounds like a good idea to me. I have often thought this would be a good system to avoid those instances when people always promise to bring their money "next time" but never do. I do think it should be your option to participate or not.
Yes it sounds like a good idea on paper, but I've never been anywhere where it was such a big deal to give out $$$ like your tithing for church or something. The organizer goes around with a notebook collecting fees every 2 wks or so. Its really annoying. I should have a say in where my money goes and who it goes to and since I won't be participating in the annual Christmas party my $$$ goes to benefit everyone else?
547 Posts
Well, it comes out to be 50 cents per week. Easier to just go along with it . Since you are fairly new on the unit, it will show your "team spirit", and let them all know that you are a "good sport". JMHO...:)
328 Posts
i would pay it if we had it on my unit, as usually when there's a function, i always feel like it happens when i'm short of cash.
but that's just me:twocents:
4,177 Posts
i would personally prefer this to giving out every week or so
it would probably run into more money in the end
Pudnluv, ASN, RN
256 Posts
I've always heard this referred to as a sunshine fund. Lots of places of employment do this. I think it's a good idea, but you shouldn't have to participate if you don't want to. Just don't expect anything back if you don't participate.
114 Posts
At our hospital we all contribute $20 to the fund. I have found I actually pay less per year this way than when we collected each time we sent flowers etc. It works great in my opinion!
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
OP, I know how you feel, it can be imposing. Years ago, I used to participate in a sunshine fund and it did wind up being a bit cheaper. I wanted to suggest this to my unit, but I don't want to be stuck being the collector of the funds. That is worse, because money can always be the route for further division and evils. I'd rather give and write it off as a participatory action than be responsible collecting.
I don't expect anything from the people I work with they are my co-workers. I am not there to make friends, it seems as if I just don't "fit" with the unit as it is. There are many differences between me and the people I work with. The unit is very "cliquish." A majority of people I just don't want to see outside of work. There are a few I get along with well enough to contribute personally (a small gift or card) for a baby shower or something, but the rest I'm not so sure about. I want to be able to make that decision my self.
338 Posts
Pudnluv,I don't expect anything from the people I work with they are my co-workers. I am not there to make friends, it seems as if I just don't "fit" with the unit as it is. There are many differences between me and the people I work with. The unit is very "cliquish." A majority of people I just don't want to see outside of work. There are a few I get along with well enough to contribute personally (a small gift or card) for a baby shower or something, but the rest I'm not so sure about. I want to be able to make that decision my self.
I totally agree with you. If you want to give money, give it, but don't make employees give. If I really like someone I would give more, if it's someone who I don't, I don't. Easy enough without having to be forced into it.
NeoNurseTX, RN
1,803 Posts
It seems like every week someone is collecting money for someone's party or what not. It does get really annoying..especially when I don't even know the person they are collecting for.