UMSON Fall 2015

U.S.A. Maryland


REMINDER!!! The deadline to submit your Fall application is nearing. As of now, the deadline has not changed from February 2 (short of 4 weeks away).

This is my second time applying--I was wait listed for the Spring term. Currently, I am studying to take my TEAS exam again on January 27th. This exam was the only portion of my application I was not confident in. I scored a 70% without refreshing my memory on key concepts by studying before hand. I did find the test to be a "you either no it or you don't" kind of thing so from personal experience--STUDY!

I have no outstanding prerequisites and my sciences are as follows:

AP1. -- B

AP2. -- A



I had the privilege of chatting with the last group of students and found this forum to be quite helpful! Please use this post as a way of communicating, sharing experiences, and giving advice. Hopefully, we will be classmates in the Fall!:)

Did anyone hear this week at all? This is so freakin annoying. I'm so tired of waiting. It's still committee ready. On top of that these riots are delaying it even further.

Still committee ready here as well.... I don't know how much longer I can take this stress!

They gave out decisions all last week. And it's Wednesday now still nothing. That's just brutal. I feel like I'm being punished í ½í¸€

I have not yet received my letter either...I am sure it has to do with the unrest and with the fact that the school was just extra late this year with decisions. Hopefully by the end of the week everyone will hear!

I'd like to know by Friday or I'm going to have to send another $300 to Towson. :yawn:

This is just torture ..

In the same boat as you guys......committee ready...:grumpy: Hang in there everyone!!!

Hopefully we hear something by Friday!! This is frustrating!

I'm so disappointed with how they're going about doing this. They gave out decisions all last week and even earlier for other programs and now they're completely on hold. No one has heard anything this week. Why can't they just give out decisions all at once. This sucks!!

Specializes in psych/dementia.

I know those still waiting are frustrated, but keep in mind that just because no one on Allnurses has had a change in status this week so far, that it doesn't mean no one has received a change in status this week. Allnurses is not the entire population of those who applied by a long shot.

Also, everyone is not notified at the same time because they have to manually change every status. That in itself takes time. The more people applied, the longer that will take. Different program have different people reviewing the applications, so they all hear back at the same time either.

Again, I know you're frustrated but this is how UMSON does things. I'm sure the riot on Monday didn't help either.

Nothing today either. Anyone hear something for BSN?

I've been following this forum for awhile now and this committee ready status is driving me crazy. My gpa is solid (4.0 sciences, 3.883 overall prerequisites, 3.853 overall), but my TEAS score isn't good tho (70%). Are these stats competitive for acceptance?

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