Ultimate Nursing Bag


Specializes in Peds, Float, Ambulatory, Telemetry (new).

I just recently purchased the Nurse Mates, Ultimate Nursing Bag in the floral print. It is supposed to be delivered some time this week and I am excited to get it. I saw some reviews saying it is a pretty big bag but I want one that is specifically for work and I could fit any and everything in it.

Does anyone else have this bag? How do you like it?

Specializes in pediatrics; PICU; NICU.

Hi, avaloncar,

I've been using my Ultimate Bag (pink plaid) for almost 5 years & I love it. It has lots of pockets inside & the main compartment is really roomy. It's a big bag but not obnoxiously so. I carry everything I need for work plus my iPad & lots of other stuff. It's been a very good investment & I'm sure you'll find that, too.

I love my ultimate medical bag! It has tons of room and fits everything I need without a problem plus they are always coming out with new colors and patterns. This one is my favorite pattern so far...I was thinking of getting another to use as a travel bag.

Specializes in Peds, Float, Ambulatory, Telemetry (new).

Hi I just received my bag today. And it is slightly bigger and and taller than I thought it was going to be. But I think I am going to love it being that I could fit my whole world to come to work with me, lol.

Thanks for the responses!

I just ordered one last week and I'm waiting for it to be delivered! I can't wait to get it I haven't found a nice nursing bag that I like yet so I thought I'd make the investment

Specializes in Peds, Float, Ambulatory, Telemetry (new).

What pattern did you get? I got the white one with pink, green and purple on it.

What exactly do you guys put in your bags for work?

I am also wondering why nursing bags are so large? What do you carry to and from work?

Specializes in CCM, PHN.

When I was a public health nurse and home health nurse doing home visits all day, I carried a few bags. One HUGE one that had a BP cuff kit, pulse ox, steth & thermometer, wound care supplies, chux, wipes, hand sanitizer, OTC Rx, gloves, gowns & biohazard bags, neb kits, etc. A second bag with laptop, clipboard, folders, forms, pens, biz cards & brochures. Then my own purse/backpack. I HATED when I couldn't find parking close to the patients' building or there was a 4 floor walk up!!!

Specializes in Critical Care, Med-Surg, Psych, Geri, LTC, Tele,.

I have a zip up tote from thirty one bags. It's pretty big. I don't bring my purse in to work. I work in LTC. My bag contains:

BP cuff


Pocket sized note pad

My lunch bag

A water bottle

Crystal light or stevia packets

Hand sanitizer

An energy drink*


Hairspray *

Tampons and pads

Black pens and sharpies

My work keys are attached permanently with a coiled key ring

My work badge

Neutral lipstick and neutral lip gloss

Gum and breath mints

Post it's

Lotion, body spray*

Today it also contains my flash cards and study notes for school

A sweat shirt can also fit inside of it

Everything with an asterisk * is in my bag because I sometimes go straight from school to work or vice versa.

I keep my bag stocked with these items so I don't have to worry about not having what I need for work. I just grab my bag and go.

Im going into an ltc... I better look into those bags...

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