Uh Oh- background/criminal check!

Nurses Criminal


Ok, haha ;)..now that I have your attention:

What could possibly hurt someone, during the employment process, if it turned up on their checks?

I have no idea what they even check on the background and/or criminal check. I mean..I am assuming the obvious and perhaps references???

Anything else? What other skeletons should I be worried about, in my closet? LOL.

The obvious would be the criminal and "banned" statements. They get a criminal check of the county and federal courts where you live. There is something from the federal government that states whether or not you have been banned from participating in certain federal programs (can't think of the particulars, but this is important; people usually get banned because they were committing some kind of fraud and got caught). The old credit check thingie, that would be according to the employer's standards. What gets most people most of the time is the reference checks. They call/write your references that you provide as well as your former employers/supervisors. All it takes is something said the wrong way and you are toast. Everyone says that no one can say anything besides the dates you worked; but if you do some research you will find that the employer can really get away with anything because it is how the questions are worded that lead to particular answers that will keep you from getting hired. And you can't control who answers the phone and who they say they are and what they say.

Specializes in ICU.
Oh goodness. I think the part I am most worried about is my credit check. I was with a bf who really just manipulated me and I was so young and naive! Totally destroyed my credit.... urgh.

Some employers include credit checks as part of their background check. If so, they'll ask you to sign a form allowing them to check your credit record. Obviously, this would be the time to bring up your side of the story.

Then again depending on what provider they are using to assess you background nothing may come up some states dont report every arrest to FBI or other govt agencies but the credit always come up so find out whats in your credit history you can get a free report once a year dont know where just google it and you should come up with something lolol

at least one poster on here (AN) has declined to give permission for a credit check and said there was no consequence.....good luck

I am curious...who here has had to submit to a credit check? If you have what kind of facility/position were you going for?

I've had a credit check done three times when applying to home health agencies. It was part of the background check done by one of those big background check companies (Krohl). Nobody ever said anything about the results. I contemplated refusing to sign the release but didn't want to compromise my chance at a job.

Specializes in OR.

I have had to submit to a credit check twice !!!!! My credit score was 725 which is not that bad !!

Specializes in Med/Surg; aged care; OH&S.

As an Australian I can't believe you guys have credit checks in relation to your workplace - I mean, we have criminal history checks for health care jobs and that's fair enough, but credit checks? I honestly can't understand what your credit history has to do with your ability to do your job nor that it's any of their business ...

As an Australian I can't believe you guys have credit checks in relation to your workplace - I mean, we have criminal history checks for health care jobs and that's fair enough, but credit checks? I honestly can't understand what your credit history has to do with your ability to do your job nor that it's any of their business ...

I agree 100%. Next they are going to want the results to my PAP smear!:nono:

Forgive me for being fresh.

One of my employers did the background check for everyone all at once long after most of us were hired. My manager took an unnecessary high interest in my personal information, including my credit report, which I did not appreciate. I also did not appreciate finding out that other personal matters about me had been discussed in a cavalier and not a "need to know" basis with people in the office who had no business discussing me in that manner. It is one thing to discuss employees in a nosey, catty, gossipy manner about trivial things and quite another to discuss matters that do not bear repeating or discussing.

Specializes in Med/Surg; aged care; OH&S.
One of my employers did the background check for everyone all at once long after most of us were hired. My manager took an unnecessary high interest in my personal information, including my credit report, which I did not appreciate. I also did not appreciate finding out that other personal matters about me had been discussed in a cavalier and not a "need to know" basis with people in the office who had no business discussing me in that manner. It is one thing to discuss employees in a nosey, catty, gossipy manner about trivial things and quite another to discuss matters that do not bear repeating or discussing.

That is a massive breach and abuse of confidentiality. You would have had grounds to take that further and lodge a grievance.

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