UH Manoa Nursing Fall 2014

U.S.A. Hawaii


Did anyone here apply for Fall 2014 admission to Manoa's School of Nursing? We're supposed to be notified in late March and I'm getting really anxious!

Specializes in MICU.
I also applied to UH Manoa but I am from California which doesn't make me hopeful about my chances to enroll there. Out of state students have the lowest priority but I'd still like to get my rejection letter... sooner rather than later. :arghh:

Don't worry, luffle, you still have a chance at Manoa. It's KCC that doesn't accept non-residents. I read somewhere in the Hawaii forum that Manoa might give 1 extra point to residents (not sure if they still do that since it was an old post), but if you have good stats you still have a shot at getting in :) What are your stats, if you don't mind sharing?

Hey guys! I just got my acceptance in the mail today!:) I'm so excited omg! I hope you all received your letters too!!!!

Grats. I'm happy for you. Nothing in the mail yet. I also applied to KCC because my son's dad lives in Hawaii.

I took the teas test in Hawaii and had an individual score of 93%, 90% and 85% in English portions, 99% in math and science. 4.0 prerequisite gpa, 3.8 overall gpa. However I had over a 10 year break in between prerequisite and previous college courses.

Your scores are great, I'm sure you'd get accepted into both programs!

Specializes in MICU.

@lorie Congrats!! You deserved it!! :D

I haven't received anything yet :/ What part of the island do you live? I live in Kailua so I hope it doesn't take much longer to get here. I just want to know already! Even if it's a denial letter I just want to know! lol

@luffle Your stats are nearly identical to mine! I think we're on the same boat b/c I also took my other classes about 10 years ago (I have a previous degree from UH Manoa) and am still considered a non-resident b/c I lived away for a year in California. Fingers crossed for the both of us!

@loriexann congrats!! I hope we get our letters soon too! Btw, did u check your STAR to see if anything really did change in your status?

Thank you!!! And I live in Waipahu! I'm sure you both were accepted considering your stats are better than mine. Good luck to you both!!

My STAR didn't change, so I really hope you guys receive your letters tmrw! Good luck!!

Hi (: Sorry such a late reply. I did take the TEAS, but I didn't study for it (I know horrible, right?) because it was hard for me to find the time with trying to maintain my 4.0 and working. Idk how other people do it lol. So I just winged it and I did pretty good for not studying. I got an 84 overall, 90.5% reading, 80% math, 87.5% science, and 76.7% english & language usage. So I didn't meet Manoa's requirements for math & language usage so I just handed in my NLN.

Oh & I still haven't gotten my letter yet :/ I probably got rejected...maybe on the wait list idk we'll see. But it's kind of irritating me on how long it's taking. I just want to know already so I can know if I have to start studying for the NLN & TEAS again! lol. Congrats to those of you who got in though! (:

Am I the only one who didn't get their letter yet? lol. Anyone know if they sent out rejection letters?

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