UF Accelerated BSN Fall 2012

U.S.A. Florida



I am an undergraduate student at UCF right now and will soon be graduating with my degree in Psychology. I am applying to UF's accelerated BSN program for Fall 2012.

My first year of college was brutal!:mad: My first semester I made 4 Cs and 1 D. My second semester I made 2 Cs and 3 Fs. I had to retake the 3 classes I failed over the summer and I made 3 Cs. So... it has completely ruined my GPA. It seems like no matter how many As I make it barely brings it up.

But, thankfully UF only considers your most RECENT 60 credit hours towards your GPA. This is so great because my overall GPA is only a 2.6, but by the time I'm done taking classes my most recent 60 credit hours GPA will be around a 3.7-3.8.

Is anyone else suffering from a year of bad grades like me?

I wish every other school only considered your most recent 60 credit hours. UF seems like my only real hope to be accepted, but at the same time it's UF... not the easiest school to get into.

I got in!! I was shaking so hard when I went to check my mail, especially after knowing it would be a packet if I got in. Ahh! Good luck to everyone that hasn't heard yet, and to those sending in petitions! Congratulations to everyone that got in! I hope to see you all in May! :D

I got in!! I was shaking so hard when I went to check my mail, especially after knowing it would be a packet if I got in. Ahh! Good luck to everyone that hasn't heard yet, and to those sending in petitions! Congratulations to everyone that got in! I hope to see you all in May! :D


Could you send us the link to the facebook group gator.girl?


I hope that link works. My facebook is being really weird.

hope i have a reason to join that group pretty soon lol

Me too marta1408. It was hard to wait before, I can't imagine how hard it must be to wait now.

I got in! Oh my gosh, I can't believe it. I'm so happy, can't wait to meet everyone on Facebook and in class!

Ps just sent a request to join the Facebook group (RC)

I got in!! My boyfriend sent me a picture of my letter...the stress of having to go to the mailbox was too much for me and he knew I couldn't wait until i got home :D congratulations everyone!!!

Looks like my mail man isn't coming early today, I will be finished with my exams by 10 so hopefully I will have some good news to come home to! Congratulations to all those accepted!!! :)

marta, I bet that our letters are going to be latter because they lost parts of our application. Ill join the group!

I'm thinking that's probably the right guess poodle. I checked my mail and nothing today. I'm just ready to know though one way or another..Congrats to everyone who got great news today!!! Hopefully the rest of us waiting will hear something soon.

Has anyone been waitlisted? And would those of you who were accepted mind telling me the date you have to inform them if you are attending.

I got in! I started screaming & scared a lady!!!!!!!!! We did it! I'm gonna run to my son's daycare & tell him! AHHH! *smiling So happy!

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