2012 UCSF MEPN Applicants

Nursing Students Post Graduate


The MEPN deadline is less than 2 months away, so I thought I'd get a thread started for us 2012 hopefuls!

I'm a first time applicant to the WHNP/CNM specialty, and feel like I've been getting ready to submit this application for so long! I've been working abroad for a public health NGO for the past couple of years and am a trained birth doula. I've finished up all of my prereqs and GREs, selected people for recommendations (including a slightly awkward visit to my undergraduate advisor...), so now I'm just drafting my essays. Does anyone even know what the application is supposed to look like this year? I'm just going off samples I've seen from previous years.

Some days I feel sort of confident about my chances, and other days I feel as though this is a total shot in the dark and definitely not going to work out!

Any other hopefuls out there? And anyone know when the application is actually going to open?

So...I'm having trouble clicking "Lock Application". Not a technical problem - finally! ha! - but a nerves problem.

I'm worried that my essays aren't good enough, that I'm not presenting myself well enough, that this whole thing I've been preparing for for the past couple years just isn't going to work out.

I need to just submit this thing already. Anyone else feeling edgy?

Is anyone else still experiencing the problem with the system deleting "experiences" after 4 entries?

I'm definitely feeling on edge to Looking! To thing we have all worked so hard and within an instant of clicking the submit button, we are no longer in control. I'm still stuck on the goals statement, tweaking here and there. We'll probably never be 100% satisfied. At least I know I won't be.

jcsong - I too was having this problem. I solved it by clicking "clear field" and then switching to another page in the application (for example, "languages") after each new addition to the "experiences" section. I would then click back to "experiences", add the next item, and repeat...clear field, go to a different page, and then click back to experiences. Tedious? Absolutely. But it seemed to work for me!

LookingAhead - I am totally feeling on edge. As dedicatedone said, it's something many of us have likely been working toward for years. It's tough to hand that hard work over to a group of individuals (strangers as that!) who will then decide our UCSF fate. I try to think that everything will work out the way it should, and that the school we are meant to go to will find us in the end. It's a bit wishy washy, but it helps to stay positive. I truly believe that the admissions committees do make a concerted effort to see our whole story, which helps to relieve some of the anxiety. I know we're all putting our best foot forward, and that's all we can ask of ourselves.

Hi everyone,

I called UCSF, and the Nursing Affairs woman who picked up said that the personal history statement should be one paragraph. Not sure if that helps or not, since many of you guys seem like you are done!

hi cpsnap, thank you so much for your explanation! I was able to add everything successfully :)

on a different note, for those of you who have sent in your GRE scores and transcripts already, is it suppose to say "received" under the GRE score and education sections? will it be indicated even if I haven't locked my application yet? I have sent in my GRE report awhile back, but it was never updated into the system...

Hi all!

Glad to hear some of the kinks have been worked out as far as recommendation invites (etc) are concerned. I figured out how to prevent my app from deleting every new addition in the courses/experiences sections...phew!

Now it's just tightening up this personal statement...

Hope everyone is doing well as we head into the middle of August (time is flying!).


I just joined this chain and am still having trouble with the experience section. How did you fix it? I emailed the support team but have not heard back :(

Thanks for your help!

jcsong - I too was having this problem. I solved it by clicking "clear field" and then switching to another page in the application (for example, "languages") after each new addition to the "experiences" section. I would then click back to "experiences", add the next item, and repeat...clear field, go to a different page, and then click back to experiences. Tedious? Absolutely. But it seemed to work for me!

LookingAhead - I am totally feeling on edge. As dedicatedone said, it's something many of us have likely been working toward for years. It's tough to hand that hard work over to a group of individuals (strangers as that!) who will then decide our UCSF fate. I try to think that everything will work out the way it should, and that the school we are meant to go to will find us in the end. It's a bit wishy washy, but it helps to stay positive. I truly believe that the admissions committees do make a concerted effort to see our whole story, which helps to relieve some of the anxiety. I know we're all putting our best foot forward, and that's all we can ask of ourselves.

Sorry! Just saw this post. Thank you for your help!!

Ok! Application locked, submitted, done!! GAH!

Aaaand then I came on here and saw someone else's update that the Personal History essay should be a paragraph...mine is not. It is a page. Too late to change it now! :rolleyes:

Yes, if anyone can PLEASE send some information on how to fix the experience issue. I'm running into that problem currently.

You don't want to necessarily answer each question in turn. Try talking about your goals, and in the meantime addressing the questions/components requested:

Masters-level Applicants.

A brief goal statement referring to your specialty choice and to your experience must be created. This goal statement is used as a source of information and as an example of your writing ability. Be as specific as possible and focus on your professional goals and how you envision these goals can be achieved through study at UCSF. (MEPN Applicants: the essay should be as specific as possible and focus on your understanding of the nursing profession, your personal goals as a nurse and how you envision these goals can be achieved through study at UCSF.) This goal statement is about two double-spaced typewritten pages in length; please remember to include your own name at the top.


You don't want to necessarily answer each question in turn. Try talking about your goals, and in the meantime addressing the questions/components requested:

Masters-level Applicants.

A brief goal statement referring to your specialty choice and to your experience must be created. This goal statement is used as a source of information and as an example of your writing ability. Be as specific as possible and focus on your professional goals and how you envision these goals can be achieved through study at UCSF. (MEPN Applicants: the essay should be as specific as possible and focus on your understanding of the nursing profession, your personal goals as a nurse and how you envision these goals can be achieved through study at UCSF.) This goal statement is about two double-spaced typewritten pages in length; please remember to include your own name at the top.


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