2012 UCSF MEPN Applicants

Nursing Students Post Graduate


The MEPN deadline is less than 2 months away, so I thought I'd get a thread started for us 2012 hopefuls!

I'm a first time applicant to the WHNP/CNM specialty, and feel like I've been getting ready to submit this application for so long! I've been working abroad for a public health NGO for the past couple of years and am a trained birth doula. I've finished up all of my prereqs and GREs, selected people for recommendations (including a slightly awkward visit to my undergraduate advisor...), so now I'm just drafting my essays. Does anyone even know what the application is supposed to look like this year? I'm just going off samples I've seen from previous years.

Some days I feel sort of confident about my chances, and other days I feel as though this is a total shot in the dark and definitely not going to work out!

Any other hopefuls out there? And anyone know when the application is actually going to open?

I never could get the recommendation thing to work - so UCSF just told me to have my recommenders email PDFs of their recommendation letters.

I think I'm going to bite the bullet and submit my application this week - it's been finished for a little while, so I've just been stalling...


Hey LookingAhead,

I also found out no one received my recommendation requests or reminders, even though the online app says otherwise. Thanks for sharing your update to have recommenders email PDFs of their recommendation letters.

Has anyone heard anything about why the online app does not allow us to provide our resume? I hope they will at least allow us to provide one if we are lucky enough to make the initial cut/are invited to interview.

Good luck to all!

The "Experiences" section is in place of a resumé. I guess they figure they're getting all the other relevant information you would give on a resumé through other parts of the application.

Is anyone still having problems listing all the courses. It only allows me to input 3 of the 4. If I try to put in another, it deletes the prior. Any suggestions? Thanks!

I can also only input 3 classes instead of 4. After the 3, it says I have completed this page, and won't even let me add anything else. So I just put in anatomy, physiology, and statistics. I think that's what they meant in the directions. I am hoping they will see the rest of my prereqs in my transcripts.

I too could only input 3 courses. What other pre-reqs would they be looking for or evaluating? There are only 3 neccessary for this specific program.

I had the same issue with the 3 out of 4 classes. I did the same and just put in Anatomy, Physio, and Statistics.

I also am having my letter of recommendation writers submit PDF letters because they never received their email invitation links. I tried clicking the "reminder email" but that wasn't working either.

I was reading in posts during the 2009 cycle that someone said the Personal History Statement section should only be about 3-4 lines?? I don't know if anyone has called yet to find out what the limit is to this section is? Also, I come from a non-healthcare background, and I'm wondering if I should put that in this section or put it in my main personal statement. Might call them on Monday to figure out more, unless someone has a better idea?



I am also unsure about the personal history length. Please let me know when you speak with admissions, thanks! I spoke with admissions about the class input problem and they said they know its not working and not to worry, they will just look at our transcripts.

The applicants went through this same process last year (https://allnurses.com/post-graduate-nursing/2011-ucsf-mepn-464338-page18.html) - here's what they had to say:

"I spoke with Sheila Proctor a minute ago - she is the assistant director of MEPN and she teaches community nursing (Great course BTW, I learned a lot). She said one double spaced page is good for the personal statement. "A paragraph is usually not enough, but we get tired of reading more than a page..""

"[This is for] the personal history. The goal statement is 2 page."

"For the record, Sheila did say there is no specified page length. If you want to write a bunch, you can. But if I was you, I'd keep it to a page..."


I will keep the goal statement at two pages and bring the personal history down to 1 page.

Perfect. Thank you for the research!

AH! Countdown begins!!!

New to the thread - anyone applying for the NHSL MEPN specialty by chance? Just curious. Anyone know anything about it?

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