UCLA New Grad Program 2010

Nurses New Nurse


Has anyone heard anything back from the UCLA New Grad Summer Program for 2010? I applied in the beginning of February and have only had a phone interview so far, with no feedback yet. Any info or others' experience would be much appreciated, thank you!

OMG don't commute from Orange Co to UCLA on the 405!!!!!

You REALLY don't want to do that commute. It's really going to be THAT bad. Can you sublet your apartment until August and rent something closer to the hospital? The commute will make you CRAZY. I commuted from Pasadena to UCLA for a few months and it was torture. And that's only 25 miles.

Isn't it funny how emphatic all of us are (who live here) about that commute? We're all screaming "Nooooooo!"

I used to commute from Santa Monica to East LA - maybe 15 miles - and it could easily take me 90 minutes... sitting there...trapped on freeway going 10 miles an hour...I swore I would never do that again.

ah, life in LA...

me too.... never live more than 10 miles from where I work!

Subletting is a good idea... often if you can find someone to take over the lease an then they may not charge you anything at all.

Good luck!

O man tell me about it! I live in East LA and will be starting at SM next week. Unfortunately I don't have a choice for now. :uhoh3: No traffic: 20-30 min. With Traffic: 1.5 hours. It's THE WORST TRAFFIC EVER! lol If you can, move within 5-10 miles. Save yourselllllllves! lol It's too late for me.

btw What's UCLA vanpool?

They have a great van pool - it is a very organized ride share where UCLA supplies the van and you or someone near you is the designated driver and you keep the van at your home. I know some companies give monetary incentive to van pool members and you get free parking and you get a close parking spot!

I imagine you will hear about it during orientation, but if not, just ask HR about it.

Getting across town is rarely a pleasant experience. Good Luck!

that really sucks. i guess im going to try to do the commute bc i dont have a choice. its a little better than driving from san diego! then hopefully we can get a closer place when our new lease is up! I have a brother who lives 10 minutes from the hospital so maybe i will stay with him on days i have to work. I wanted to avoid that option bc my brother lives in a studio and it is very small and crowded but I will manage!

Thanks everyone for your honest advice!

that really sucks. i guess im going to try to do the commute bc i dont have a choice. its a little better than driving from san diego! then hopefully we can get a closer place when our new lease is up! I have a brother who lives 10 minutes from the hospital so maybe i will stay with him on days i have to work. I wanted to avoid that option bc my brother lives in a studio and it is very small and crowded but I will manage!

Thanks everyone for your honest advice!

Honestly, I think you'll be fine. From OC to LA in the 405 at let's say 530 in the morning (or maybe a little earlier), you'll be there in less than hour. I've driven from OC to UCLA before at this time and I got there way before 7am. You just have to beat traffic and not mind coming to work early.

Leaving, may be the harder part...unless you want to stay at work a little longer (maybe 830 or so) so you won't hit the traffic back.


And @RN28, I cant reply to PMs yet, but no I am not in that unit sorry! I start late Feb, but Im thinking it will go into early March. =]

Specializes in OR.

I agree with HP. Honestly, with the shifts we'll be working, we'll be missing the bulk of the traffic. While it is a good idea to be within 10-15 miles of the hospital (especially when you're on-call), it's not a must. Rush hour is usually between 7-9 in the mornings and 4-6 in the evenings, and when our shifts are 7-7, it really isn't going to be that much of a big deal.

My start date was changed from 2/14 to 3/14 so I must be in the second batch of new hires....good luck everyone who is starting earlier!

Specializes in PICU, OB/GYN.

Does anyone know of any stores that give a discount on Danskos if you are employed by UCLA? I know there are stores down here in San Diego that do if you are employed by one of the local hospitals here.

No but if you find out, post it please!

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