UC Davis Nurse Residency Program Spring 2021

U.S.A. California


Hi everyone!

Wanted to start a post so we can stay connected through the process! Application opens October 26, 2020 – November 2, 2020 for starts dates February 22, 2021 – April 19, 2021. Any one else applying?

Hi! (: Thanks for doing this. I was about to start a thread as well since I didn't see one for the Spring '21 yesterday, but you beat me to it haha. I'm glad we have these, it really does help all of us applicants stay connected. Three more days!! So nervously excited! 

Hello! I will be applying as well. I have a quick question - for unofficial transcripts, do we think they want just BSN or total previous education? 

Good luck everyone!!

I was wondering the same thing about the transcripts! I am uploading all my transcripts over 3 colleges just in case! I’d rather fall on the safe side than them throw out my application due to a lack of information. I see from previous posts that they send your application to the department that you had your preceptorship in - what were yours? Was it affected due to COVID? 

Good idea, better safe than sorry! Im currently doing my preceptorship in the CVICU. But I will be grateful for anything cardiac related! Unfortunately we weren't able to do as many hours as we were scheduled to do, but we are still getting a 12 hour shift a week. I'm from northern CA but I am finishing up my BSN at U of Miami, so I'm not sure how different it is from CA schools right now. I haven't heard good things.

The CVICU sounds like a great unit! Did you guys have to do any virtual simulation as well?

Yes we did. We did virtual for psych and peds. We didn't get to do any speciality units such as L&D and Peds. What about you? 

I did part of my community course and all of my "collaborative" course clinical hours virtually over telehealth, but thankfully they allowed us to go back for our capstone preceptorship. I had 48 hours in the NICU, which I am applying to and specified in my cover letter. It look like almost every other nursing program had like over 100+ hours for their preceptorship! I hope it doesn't disqualify me! 

For our preceptorship we were supposed to have 112 hours, technically we only had 56 hours in clinical and the other 56 hours included skills at the Simulation Hospital at our school. Ugh I know this whole COVID situation really is screwing us over. But I'm hoping that since this is for new grads and majority of the people who are applying graduated during COVID, they will cut us some slack. I put 112 hours next to my preceptorship because we are getting credit for them, but I made a note saying it was a combination of virtual and in person hours. 

I hope they cut us some slack too! Thats awesome you were still able to do that much. My program's curriculum only had us do a total of 48 ? are you guys attaching letters of recommendation at the end of your cover letter/resume? If so, how many? 

I did not, I just added references on my resume. Maybe I will have them if I get an interview to give them to them. 

Where did you go to school?

Gotcha, I read in previous posts people added one or the other at the end - even though the directions did not specify to. Again I figured it's better to add more than to add less, right?! I went to Chamberlain, Sacramento. I am sure the nurse recruiters will see all kinds of clinical hours this time around considering COVID

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