UC Davis New Grad RN residency 2016

Nurses Job Hunt


Hello everyone! I thought I would start a thread for those of us applying so we can keep each other updated with interview calls, job offers, etc.

They have started calling. I was called today to schedule an interview. It was for their med/surg unit. I graduate in dec, 18 and the cohort starts on the 25th of Jan. Do you guys think it is possible to have my license by then????

When did you apply for your license?

"They have started calling. I was called today to schedule an interview. It was for their med/surg unit. I graduate in dec, 18 and the cohort starts on the 25th of Jan. Do you guys think it is possible to have my license by then????"

I graduated at the end of August and got my license in the beginning of December if that helps. I had no hang ups with the BON.

I just got called for an interview too! Still in shock haha anyone have experience interviewing with the GI Surgery?

Congrats on everyone getting an interview!!!! I am so happy for all of you and hoping for all of us to get a chance to at least interview. I did my preceptorship on a PCU unit. I hope I get an interview at least just to get a feel. I just graduated last Friday. Hoping also that my school sends my transciripts soon so I can test!

Do you guys think it's possible to request the April start date instead of the January?

Congrats to everyone! Thank you for keeping us updated! I really would like an interview and am praying. My school didn't have a preceptorship either but we had more clinical hours and I sought out to do a Critical Internship, so hopefully that helps, fingers crossed for all of us

Congrats to those with interviews! I am applying for L&D, so if anyone hears anything from that unit please let us know :)

So glad to have run into this thread! I got a call on the 11th for the NICU! Congrats and good luck to everyone! Not sure if we can request the start date, but I'll keep you guys posted if I hear of anything.

hi @emily45 if you don't mind me asking did you have previous experience in the NICU? When are the interviews? I'm here hoping for a call

I applied in the beginning of October, but our transcripts do not get mailed out until we graduate on the the 18th of Dec.

I applied in the beginning of October, but our transcripts do not get mailed out until we graduate on the the 18th of Dec.

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