TX BON Letter


I was in an intensive care unit and after being extubated I apparently got violent and knocked over ventilator and security was called and the security officer just happened to be a certified piece officer needless to say three months later I get a felony warrant for state jail felony criminal mischief property damage at $5000 . I got a letter from the board of nursing after I sent them my declaratory order from my attorney that was back in February . I received another letter saying I needed to pay $150 for the investigation in the enforcement dept. My question is what stipulations what I even face with this not being a drug related or violent crime and how long does this investigation usually take and what does it entail any help ❤️

Specializes in Med/Surg, Women's Health, LTC.

Wait! What? I think I may be missing something. How is it that a PATIENT is charged with a felony for something that happened during extubation? And reported to the BON?

Were you still sedated/medicated?

I certainly hope you have retained an attorney who has license defense and one that can help with the criminal charges.

Yes my attorney said because it was a certified peace officer he had to present it to the court and the court decided on filing a warrant for the property damage even though the ventilator is insured by the hospital. And according to the medical records I was coming off fentanyl, versed, and Midazolam (although that was admin 1hr prior to the “event”)

Oh and I don’t even remember what happened at all I got a surprise phone call three months later saying I had a felony warrant

Specializes in Med/Surg, Women's Health, LTC.

That seems excessive to go after patients, but, hey, who knows. Well, I would definitely try to obtain legal counsel for your license.

Good luck to you and I hope it all gets thrown out!

Oh and I don’t even remember what happened at all I got a surprise phone call three months later saying I had a felony warrant

Update I got a letter today ironically and now they’re wanting a written description and my words of the events leading up to it what happened afterwords and medical records and I don’t remember any of it so this is going to be hard and I would think a police report would be good enough for them. I have graduated with my BSN but they won’t even let me take the NCLEX-RN yet

This blows. I swear I am so pissed. What asshat reported this. Why was a peace officer involved in your care. Ridiculous.

I am baffled still too. It’s hard to keep my head up sometimes but all I can do is study study study cause Idk when I can take NCLEX now ?

On 7/3/2019 at 11:57 AM, BSN_Studnt said:

I was in an intensive care unit and after being extubated I apparently got violent and knocked over ventilator and security was called and the security officer just happened to be a certified piece officer needless to say three months later I get a felony warrant for state jail felony criminal mischief property damage at $5000 . I got a letter from the board of nursing after I sent them my declaratory order from my attorney that was back in February . I received another letter saying I needed to pay $150 for the investigation in the enforcement dept. My question is what stipulations what I even face with this not being a drug related or violent crime and how long does this investigation usually take and what does it entail any help ❤️

If you don’t mind me asking, why were you in ICU and intubated? What led up to you being on life support?

This is the biggest load of crap I've ever heard. ? How on earth could they do that to you?! I hope you and your attorney fight like hell!

Good luck to you, and please keep us posted ❤️

Specializes in Community health.

I imagine there’s a whole lot more to this story. Best of luck, sounds like a tough situation.

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