TWU Spring 2013 Applicants!

U.S.A. Texas



I know it's pretty early to be starting this forum, but I just wanted to put my voice out there and see if there is anyone else out there hoping to join TWU's nursing program in the spring of 2013? What are you taking this semester (spring 2012), and when are you taking the TEAS-V entrance exam?

After this spring semester of taking microbiology, chemistry, developmental psychology, and statistics, I'll be ready to apply before the September 1st deadline! I'm hoping to take the entrance exam in the summer - probably June or July.

So yeah, I just wanted to see who else was out there!

Nela & heyjude, which campus were y'all applying to?

Nela & heyjude, which campus were y'all applying to?

Dallas. Are you waiting to hear back?

Dallas. Are you waiting to hear back?

I applied to Dallas. I emailed the admissions coordinator and she said I was 13th on the waiting list but she said Dallas doesn't get many declines so I'm probably not going to make it in.

I applied to Dallas. I emailed the admissions coordinator and she said I was 13th on the waiting list but she said Dallas doesn't get many declines so I'm probably not going to make it in.

Don't be negative - you have a good shot! 13 is awesome! We have already seen a couple people say they will decline on here. Keep an eye out for more of those. If I were 13, I would be pretty confident I'd get in. Congrats on that!

Don't be negative - you have a good shot! 13 is awesome! We have already seen a couple people say they will decline on here. Keep an eye out for more of those. If I were 13, I would be pretty confident I'd get in. Congrats on that!

I'm not trying to be negative, that's just what she told me. She said I probably wasn't high enough but "you never know." I don't know. Initially I was upset but I guess it's not so bad. I wasn't even sure I wanted to apply for the Spring because my son would only be 5 months when the semester starts and I wanted to stay home with home for his whole first year but I applied anyway just to see. If I don't get in, at least I'll get to spend time with him. :)

Hello, everyone! I was accepted into the TWU Houston campus for Spring 2013.

I'm still waiting to hear back from UTHSC but I'm more than happy to get into either program. Congrats to those that have gotten in and good luck to those still waiting to find out! :)

Wow. I am so disappointed..

I spoke with ****** in the CON and she said unless you're somewhere in the top 25 of the wait list, you probably won't make it in.

I thought I had decent stats... :(

3.5 GPA

3 out of 4 first time "A"

86 on TEAS

NO email.

I don't nderstand how you aren't in when someone with a 68 on the TEAS got in and had about the same gpa as you! I also didn't get anything, and it was my fourth time applying... It's devastating.

Have you applied anywhere else? This is my second time applying here and I finally got in. but I also applied at pvamu as my backup and got accepted there....

did you get in to a different school?

Hey guys, I called SON too and I'm #55 on the list!! So in other words...Not gonna happen. My stats were GPA: 3.59, TEAS: 74, 3/4 1st attempts, no bachelors degree or TWU bump. But, I've already spent the day applying to UT-HSC in Houston for Fall 2013, I have much better stats with them because I got a 94 on my HESI with 890 CT score and 3.6 GPA, 4.0 Science GPA. I applied there last Fall but hadn't completed all my course work so my GPA is higher and I have a better chance. I'm kicking myself for not applying there for Spring but I really wanted to stay in Ft Worth/Dallas area. The good news is their program is only 16mos long so I could still graduate in Dec. 2014 like I had planned.

Congrats to all of you that got accepted. And for all my fellow applicants that didn't, DO NOT get discouraged...there are other options, the competition was just very fierce this application period. :)

Oh, P.S. UT-HSC will transfer Patho & Pharm from other schools!!! Which is a bonus because I'm currently in Patho and took Pharm at my community college. You can find a silver lining in everything.

Hey! I am 14th! If you hear anything please post!

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