If you had an assignment worth 5% of your total grade, and you did'nt finish it or forgot about it, would you copy someone else's assignment and turn it in as your own work knowing there is a zero tolerance cheating policy and you signed an integrity statement at least three times stating you are aware of the rule?
What do you think should happen to the students? Only three choices. 1. get a zero on the assignment (remember it is worth only 5%), 2. fail the class, 3. get kicked out of the program with the option to reapply at the next application period?
My thinking is....worth less than 5% and they cheated...what are they going to do in a major situation? I think they should be kicked out of the program. We all knew full well going into our program about the rules and the consequences. I know I may seem cold, but it is about morals, judgement, and honesty. If you do not have those basic qualities....then stop wasting space that could be filled by someone who can handle the stress of the situation.
One girl in my group feels that they should only receive a zero on the assignment. She thinks the other two options are two harsh and the students
should be given a second chance.
Anyone else have this happen in their school? What became of the cheaters?