Published Oct 7, 2005
221 Posts
I've missed the past couple of episodes this season (you know, clinical and studying and all). Anyway, I'm tickled so far to meet the new nurse manager on the show, Eve. Maybe the producers are finally hearing what real nurses thought of the representation on the show. She seems promising.
On the other hand, I can't believe this show has been on for 9 or so years and they STILL *all* wear every single stethoscope backwards! :smackingf
171 Posts
I'm sure they just do it so they can hear whats going on around the set but I've always found that hilarious too. Sometimes I catch the older ER episodes and they really have gotten better. They don't shock flat lines or rub the paddles together so much anymore.
neneRN, BSN, RN
642 Posts
Ugh, I thought the new nurse manager was obnoxious in a "look how smart I am" kind of way. I mean, it's good to show the knowledge nurses are capable of having, but I would have wanted to smack her. Then at the end of the show, with the power play with Sam and working different shifts or being floated? Yeah, that's a great manager, way to support your staff right off the bat.
grannynurse FNP student
1,016 Posts
For what it is worth, as she said to Dr. K, he can call her doctor, as she has her PhD. And as a former nurse manager, I kind of share her attitude, A conflict between a nurse and a physician, that interfers with patient care, and can't be resolved, the parties need to be on different shifts. As one of my former supervisor's once said, 'don't drag your dirty lundary into work. I may change my mind but right now, she is a very good role model.
Grannynurse :balloons:
40 Posts
I completely agree. The new nurse manager was pompous and pretty much out of line. I think she pretty much gave a poor representation of nurses in healthcare. I know my stuff and I know it well enough that I do not need to "spout" it out to prove it all the time. It just seemed like she talked all the time and was very confrontational. Yada, yada, yada!!
90 Posts
:rotfl: this is the type of reaction the new character is supposed to get from viewers. I see it's working! Love ER.:)
100 Posts
OH I love ER too! I have been watching it since I can remember... It is by far my favorite show
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
1,119 Posts
This kind of thing does happen where managers power play like this. I don't think it's a bad thing for people to be aware of: nurses sometimes have shall we say difficult managers.
13 Posts
I kinda liked her "no non-sense" attitude, and how she put Dr. Morris in his place --He is such a weasel!
In my mind she will still be 'Sally' from 3rd Rock from the sun for a while
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
I liked her. She didn't have the best attitude, but hey, neither does the nurse Sam.
I think they showed her as a patient advocate well-trying to insist on a more experienced physician for the child, stepping in to manage the airway herself, even with the burn pt and telling Sam she should have had LR instead of NS, and when she was talking to hte boy's mom "can i get you anything" she was trying to do what is best for the patients.
I liked seeing a nurse character with actual knowledge, not being regarded as a sex object, etc.
I hope her attitude softens up a bit, but it'll be interesting to see someone challenge Sam's bad attitude.
381 Posts
I was going to ask if anyone had watched this last night!! I couldn't stand her, what an awful attitude. when she pulled that i've got a phd crap, i wanted to scream!!! I have never even liked the actress to begin with. she is kind of she-man acting. I never watched 3rd rock or whatever it was called but I have seen her in some movies. yuck. what happened to susan lewis? i always liked her.