While I was doing CNA clinicals, I've found that so many people talk to elderly people like they're idiots. I'm talking about the people who use excruciatingly s-l-o-w, simple speech in a loud tone while speaking about 6 inches from their faces, even if they're not hard of hearing or demented, and repeating themselves and asking "O-o-o-kay?" every 5 seconds. I certainly wouldn't like being talked to like that. It reminds me of when insensitive people are talking to foreigners by talking very loudly and slowly while pantomining, even if the foreigner can speak the language. It also irritates me when people feign absolute surprise and adoration when talking to children, making ostentatious gasps and extolling for the simplest things. I talk to all patients respectfully and clearly, only resorting to slow speech at a high volume when it's clear that they can't understand me. Has anyone else witnessed such behavior?