Travel Nursing Companies

Specialties Travel


Hi, Friends!

Just wondering if anyone could give me info on travel nursing companies. I looked up Seems nice, but I've never done travel nursing before and I am looking for advice. My husband and I are looking at moving to Texas, maybe Conroe/Houston or Dallas/Fort Worth area. Any pointers? Thanks!

Specializes in OR,ER,ICU/CCU,MEDSURG.

Here are some things I have learned from my first 6 months as a traveller:

Pick a company that provides FREE health insurance benefits. I am paying quite a bit for mine, and didn't realize that some companies provide it free. Also some companies offer benefits from DAY ONE of your assignment, others you have to wait until the next month after you start. Ask if you will get the same pay rate for overtime and call back as the permanent employees. Where I work, the perm. employees get paid double time for call back, whereas I only get time-and-a-half. Find out if the facility makes you pay for parking, and ask for parking reimbursement to be added to your contract. Make sure everything you want is spelled out in the contract before you sign it......I have had to send mine back for corrections multiple times. For example, once they had my shift hours wrong, and one time they completely left out my housing allowance. READ IT before you sign it, and don't feel pressured to sign it electronically and return it if it's not worded exactly the way you agreed to.

Yes, the recruitor makes all the difference. I started out with a really good one. When he quit, I got a real flake whom I could not get ahold of when I needed her, would not return phone calls/emails, sent me nearly incomprehensible emails when she did respond, etc. Really soured me on the agency, and I am much warier now. She finally was let go, after I complained about her unresponsiveness. I'm sure I wasn't the only one to complain! Insist your recruitor be responsive-----when you need them, you need them!

Remember, your social security benefits, which you WILL need some day, is based on your taxable income. Consider this if you are thinking of accepting a very low hourly wage in exchange for a higher housing allowance/per diem rate. If you are working for a really low hourly wage, you could be setting yourself up for a red flag with the IRS, especially if you claim high mortgage payments, etc.

Best of luck,


Specializes in OR,ER,ICU/CCU,MEDSURG.

Here's another question to ask: What is the company's policy on sick days? You definitely won't get paid for them, but I found out I was expected to make up the days, either added onto the end of my contract or working a sixth day in one week. The company says they have to recoup the housing expense for the days I was sick. Also, are you guaranteed 40 hours in a week? That is, if the facility cancels you for low census, or in my case if the dept. is closed for a holiday, will you just be short those hours on your paycheck, or does your company guarantee you a certain number of hours? Surgery is a unique area in that it is closed for holidays. Regular facility employees get paid holidays, but travel nurses are just short of hours that week.:cool:


My husband and I are currently doing a travel assignment in San Antonio TX. If you guys are interested in TX, I would definatly use All About Staffing, bcuz they basically own TX! See a vast majority of the hospitals throughout TX are part of a cooperation called "HCA" and All About Staffing is the company that all travel companies have to go through, so to cut the middle man out we went with all about staffing. Orientation was last week and there were 48 travelers in the group and after talking to alot of the nurses the ones who were not with all about staffing were getting paid alot less. you can send me a pm and i will give you more info! good luck! everyone is sooooo nice and they really appreciate the travlers!

i am with a traveling agency called integrated nursing alliance, inm ( i am more than pleased thus far with this travel agency. from day one my recruiter was on the job, he was fast in getting my profile together he is awesome. i received an interview that same day and was offered the job. when i leave phone calls he expeditiously returns my phone calls. they are very punctual in all aspects thus far. his assistant is incredible also. my assignment starts oct. 6.

Any comments on RTG?

I've been traveling for about 3 years now and American Mobile does not have a good reputation. I'm working with another traveler right now that is with American Mobile.

She makes 10 dollars an hour less then I do.

Specializes in Geriatrics, MS, Ortho.

Misty1, what agency do you work with?

Right now I'm working for Health Specialists. Medical Staffing Solutions out of Rice Lake Wi is good too. Medical Staffing Solutions doesn't have anything under 40/hr.

Nursing Options seems OK. Cross Country has some good paying positions but not all their positions are high.

I'm also hearing a lot of good about HRN. Never worked for HRN because they don't have a lot in midwest where I like to travel.

RN Network another one I've never worked for but have been told by several nurses it has outstanding health insurance.

Specializes in Vascular Interventional Radiology & PACU.

Any travel nurses working in Dallas in PACU? What's the pay like?

Specializes in Everything except Women's Services.

Does anyone know of a good travel agency with assignments in St Thomas? I was originally interested in St Croix but have been told they have a money crunch and are not using travelers now. This would be my first travel job so any info is helpful. Thanks in advance!

Find the area you want, if at all possible make a trip to the area, last I knew job hunting was a write off on taxes, (ck with your accountant) or call the hosp and ask for the floor you want and ask if any travelers are there, ask them the good and bad-I like supplemental and they always arrange for me to talk to one of their travelers.

Any good travel company will offer you milage (this is often nego. so if they pay .40/mile you can negoitate for .60 or .80cents a mile- then look up +perdiem it will tell you for the area what the gov. allows weekly for mla-this is food and housing x the amt by 7 days- this is where travelers make $$$ the gov. allows you an accross the board write off no matter what you spend. So Cleveland is $1100 a wk for food and housing. Most companies will offer you with in $200 of that amt. For the sake of explaining let us say $900 /wk (this should not show on your w-2 because it is an allowable expense across the board) then you are paid a low wage, like $15/hour-Now do the math, I work a 40/h week @ $15/hour that is $600- about 15%for taxes that is $$590 + the $900 in tax free housing =$/1490/wk clear and the good part is this you are paying a lower base tax of $31,200. the difference you take in housing , to what is allowed is a write off, so if they offer you $900 and the gsa allows you $1100 then the $200. a wk is a deduction. I never let them get my housing for me, I look around for a week ask everyone in the area for a cheap clean safe place to stay, right now I spent about $500 /month for 2 rooms close to the hosp. and I keep the $3900/month - food and gas. You only have to go 60 miles to be a travler. They will pay you the other way, say $40/h and pay for your housing, but you tax base is much higher you are taxed @ about 30% of $80,000 and you do not get the write off at the end of the year-so you take home $1000/wk and get thrown in to the next tax bracket and that is another whold can of worms. The disadvanage is lower wage if you ger hurt and lower input into SS (but that won't be there when you get old anyway) any co. who will not give the housing allowance means the cost of living is too high for what they are offering. Also seewhat the finish bonus is, should be $1000 for 13 wks, and neg. if there is a parking fee @your residence or work-they should cover that in the contract. pre nego. any days off you want, such as holidays and birthday or long weekend. I have been with American Mobile Supplemental and someone else, Supplemental has tx. me the best-it really is about who your recruiter is, some are much better then others, ask for all bonus' with Supp. if you return the paper work in 48 hours there is another $100 bonus-so ask, if it is not easy talking to your recuiter when they explain something, or if it is not done in a timely manner, then ask for another recruiter. -& the $$ of all this info, if you go with supplemental tell them gary anstatt is my recruiter and I recommeded you- Write with more questions if you wnat

Thanks for the information! Just wondering, did you mean the housing allowance is 900/wk or 900/month?? Is that the standard for most places?

Specializes in OB.
Thanks for the information! Just wondering, did you mean the housing allowance is 900/wk or 900/month?? Is that the standard for most places?

Brooke - keep in mind that the post you are replying to (and most in this thread) is several years old, before the economy crunch hit it's worst. The money and job availability isn't nearly the same as it was at that time. You can still make a living at traveling, but no one is getting rich as a traveler right now.

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