Transfer Schools

Specialties School


This is my first year as a school nurse. I am in an elementary setting. My clinic has been seeing approximately 65 kids daily. This is not including kiddos we help but sometimes don’t even chart on (clothing changes due to mud, etc)  Another elementary school in our district has an opening for next year. They see around 30 kids maybe 45 max at times.  Both schools have 2 nurses. I really would like to transfer to the slower paced school but I’m not sure what to tell my supervisor without sounding lazy, incompetent, or unable to handle challenges especially since it’s my first year. Any input would be wonderful. Thanks!

Specializes in School Health.

Have you tried communicating with your teachers and admin about appropriate visits to your office?

Specializes in School Nursing.

Yes, I would agree with talking with teachers about when and when not to send a student to the nurse. I have to send an email and remind them every few months when unnecessary visits become more frequent.

We use this handy set of guidelines for our elementary schools. 

Guidelines for Nurse’s Office2016.docx

Specializes in retired LTC.

OP - not a SN here, but I humbly submit that you chart/record even the silly clothing changes that you do. It does record a service you DO provide and adds to the metrics of your position. Those visits do take your time! And you have a record to show TPTB some of the frivolous things asked of you.

Otherwise, someone looking at your sched could say "oh well, she should have extra time".

Get full credit for all you do!


Specializes in kids.
14 hours ago, amoLucia said:

OP - not a SN here, but I humbly submit that you chart/record even the silly clothing changes that you do. It does record a service you DO provide and adds to the metrics of your position. Those visits do take your time! And you have a record to show TPTB some of the frivolous things asked of you.

Otherwise, someone looking at your sched could say "oh well, she should have extra time".

Get full credit for all you do!


This!  I built codes into SNAP to document ALL the things we do!!!! This year has been an anomaly with Covid (in school FT f2f since Sep) but there is time spent that is invisible...4 phone calls to track one parent, multiple emails, and document them all!!! Amazing how a 10 kid day is really very busy with all the other stuff!! Metrics and data are important!!

I read the comments and wanted to throw my 2 cents in since most were asking her to stay and not transfer to work with the teachers. I would say if you like the location, staff and feel comfortable with the routine other than the visit load, I would stay and work with them to get the numbers down. If on the other hand, you would like the other location better or know that the other staff are fairly tolerable or better with the lower visit load, I would go for it. I could say to the supervisor that I desire to transfer to the other elementary where I would have more time to educate the students without feeling rushed. I desire to utilize my teaching programs and feel I could implement them at such-and-such school. I want to be more innovative and use my creative skills there rather than here as I feel I am at that point in my career. I am trying to advance my nursing skills and my personal autonomy with this transfer request. Thank you for your consideration.

Specializes in retired LTC.
4 hours ago, NutmeggeRN said:

This!  I built codes into SNAP to document ALL the things we do!! This year has been an anomaly with Covid (in school FT f2f since Sep) but there is time spent that is invisible...4 phone calls to track one parent, multiple emails, and document them all! Amazing how a 10 kid day is really very busy with all the other stuff!! Metrics and data are important!!

WOW!  Like your own CPT codes!  Like a code for de-knotting a knotted shoelace, or replacing wet socks, or providing pins for missing coat buttons! That stuff adds up.

Just a caveat for OP - while the second position may seem slower NOW, it might turn into something more busy & task-inclusive as time moves on.

Thanks everyone!  You have all given me things to think about. 

Specializes in School nursing.
On 4/20/2021 at 9:24 AM, NutmeggeRN said:

This!  I built codes into SNAP to document ALL the things we do!! This year has been an anomaly with Covid (in school FT f2f since Sep) but there is time spent that is invisible...4 phone calls to track one parent, multiple emails, and document them all! Amazing how a 10 kid day is really very busy with all the other stuff!! Metrics and data are important!!

I have a visit code for all the HS boys that visit me just to use my private restroom. And yes, I have told teachers this is what they do. And no, it does NOT stop those visits. And the HS boys are super open about sharing why they visit me. I told them all they owe me air freshener. 

I also invested in a Squatty Potty to help. I wish I were joking...

Specializes in school nurse.
20 hours ago, JenTheSchoolRN said:

I have a visit code for all the HS boys that visit me just to use my private restroom. And yes, I have told teachers this is what they do. And no, it does NOT stop those visits. And the HS boys are super open about sharing why they visit me. I told them all they owe me air freshener. 

I also invested in a Squatty Potty to help. I wish I were joking...

Do the guys actually need a pass from their classroom teachers to stink up your bathroom?

Specializes in kids.
On 4/26/2021 at 3:25 PM, JenTheSchoolRN said:

I have a visit code for all the HS boys that visit me just to use my private restroom. And yes, I have told teachers this is what they do. And no, it does NOT stop those visits. And the HS boys are super open about sharing why they visit me. I told them all they owe me air freshener. 

I also invested in a Squatty Potty to help. I wish I were joking...

I recently added a code for bathroom use, when they are told they can only use mine because they have been naughty in the public girls (or boys) restroom...bathroom use for administrative reasons...

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