We started our clinicals last week...We had one full day of orientation about the floor, how to work the beds, the iv pumps...etc. But aside from that we had very little guidance on what my instructor expects from us. So day two was getting our assigned patient. We had to fill out a ton of paperwork, which i expected. then we introduced ourselves to the patient and pretty much thrown to the wolves. The RN I had didnt have the time of day for me to ask questions, or even give me something to do. I did an assessment on my patient, vitals, and he was pretty much self care so I had NOTHING to do all day, I went in and checked on him every 10 minutes so I could look busy. My instructor pretty much treated me like an idiot all day. We learn skills in lab and class, i thought clinicals were supposed to be about fine tuning those skills and learning. Neither of those happened and the clinical instructor doesnt seem to be interested in doing it. I know its only week one and I will get more confident and more familiar but right now I feel awful. Maybe I have abnormal expectations of what my clinical experience should be? Any tips on how to prepare better and show more initiative without getting in the way?
**On the up side, I did do a successful foley and my patient told me he wanted to marry me, so I couldnt have been all bad :) **