took the nclex today and I feel like a mess

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone, I took the nclex today and had 210 quest. I couldnt believe it I feel sick, I am in shock I had so many proiritizing quest. and meds I never heard of I cant believe it I am trying to think positive but I just dont know does anyone pass with 210 qyest? please I need some comforting words

I also took my NCLEX-PN today, I have been a mess all day. I had 115 questions. I had so many medications that I had never heard of also, it was horrible. I have been going crazy all day, I am also trying to think positive. Good luck to you!!

Good luck, Angee! Let us know what you find out.

thank u so much, I will keep u posted as soon as I get results

Jersey Girl Good Luck To U Too Deffinitly Try To Stay Positive Let Us Know How U Did

I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found out this morning 47 hours of very long waiting. I couldn't look at the computer I had to have my husband do it for me.

hi everyone I passed,I just found out today I feel like I am on cloud 9:lol2:

jersygirl I am so happy for you congatulations. this feels awesome:balloons:

Congratulations to both of you!:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: :monkeydance: :monkeydance: :monkeydance:


Congrats! to both of you angee & jerseygirl!! Way to go!! :balloons: :beer:

Congratulations to both of you!:balloons: :balloons: :balloons:

I took the NCLEX in October and I had 205 questions. I passed!! I went with a friend who only had 85 questions and she passed as well. Most of mine were Prioritizing and meds I have never heard of.. You will do fine. Good Luck!!1

Congratulations ladies!!!

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