Took nclex RN yesterday. now we wait...


I took the NCLEX RN yesterday morning. I thought it was horrifying. I'm an anxious person to begin with so when you make me sit in a room, get fingerprinted and "palm vein scanned", sign my life away and take a mug shot before I even START an exam... yeesh.

BUT I got 75 questions. I wasn't confident on a single answer. Mine was ALL priority questions. "Who would you see first?" I got close to 10 SATA, no pictures, no sounds. All the drugs were super obscure and I could only guess on them.

I came home and got the "good pop up" but should get my results Monday. SCARY!!

If I pass, I'll post again with my study schedule to hopefully help some people out :)

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
Specializes in Long Term care, acute rehab.

Stay calm....You passed:) I was skeptical about the PVT too but it rang true to me!

I took the NCLEX RN yesterday morning. I thought it was horrifying. I'm an anxious person to begin with so when you make me sit in a room, get fingerprinted and "palm vein scanned", sign my life away and take a mug shot before I even START an exam... yeesh.

BUT I got 75 questions. I wasn't confident on a single answer. Mine was ALL priority questions. "Who would you see first?" I got close to 10 SATA, no pictures, no sounds. All the drugs were super obscure and I could only guess on them.

I came home and got the "good pop up" but should get my results Monday. SCARY!!

If I pass, I'll post again with my study schedule to hopefully help some people out :)

JW, I could have written your post..Took mine yesterday @5pm. 95% priority...(very weird who would you see first questions??). A couple of drug questions, all very obscure and complete guesses on my part. 1 calculation. I left there KNOWING I had failed coz I was unsure of all my answers. (Seriously...I dont think I was confident of 1 answer) Shut off at 85. Did PVT when I got home and got a 'good pop up',,,but am not sure coz the vue website has a maintenance message all last night so I cant be sure that the results were accurate. I am waiting for monday to do the quick results just to know for sure.

Good Luck to you and me!!!

Specializes in Cardiovascular medical/surgical.

I took the test yesterday also, tried the PVT and I don't get the "good" pop up, I get the pop up saying my results are on hold...not the same as the contact your board. So..not the good but not the bad CC payment. I felt so crummy about my exam I just don't know. I know a lot of people say that and pass but its just such a stupid thing that we have to wait. They have the technology to scan my palm vein yet I can't get results right away...oh the anxiety.

goodluck! taking my exam tommorrow! weeeh!!!:)

hey everyone

i have question, i took my nclex on fri 7/9... i thought we only had to wait 48hrs to see results? so shouldn't i get today instead of monday?

Cherry lemonade:)

^Sunday isn't a working day for them.

in NH, we can't use quick results but our board normally posts results next day. Since I took it on a Saturday, I won't know until Monday most likely.

Thanks all!! And good luck to everyone. I hope to post soon with good news!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
^Sunday isn't a working day for them.

doesn't matter we have had many members receive their results on a Sunday. As long as 48 hours or more has passed and your state participates in quick results you usually get your result once fee is paid and results are available

OMG! Thanks silverdragon for the tip, i just went back to the pearson site and my results were there and i passed! yaaH:w00t:

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