Took NCLEX-RN today...keep getting good pop-up...still feel numb!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Good is soooooo good! i literally thought I failed! I pray that this pop-up is an accurate indication, because Jesus KNOWS I can't sit through that again! My test was so damn hard...and yet some of it was simple....with bits and pieces of "huh" and "what" and "yeah right"!! I really felt like I knew nothing on it....after question number 10, I wanted to cry! I didn't even take a break!! Got 75 questions and the screen went blue! It took me maybe 1 hour and 30 minutes!!

Everyone's test is different, but my test was all OB and Meds and therapeutic communication and only 5 SATA (which had me freaking out because they were literally spaced out the entire test and I only had 5 of them...yes FIVE!! smh)....ish was CRAZY!! But God is so, so, so good and He was with me the entire time....even when I wanted to cry!! I couldn't even take a break because I knew if I went to the restroom I would start balling tears!! So I just kept going and prayed that after 75 I would be put out of my misery - and He answered my prayer with a blue screen!!

I pulled out my ipad when I got to the elevator and by the time I was to my car, pearson vue was loading and I got the pop up!! I literally fell to my knees next to my car and started crying and thanking Jesus!! I still feel like I'm in a daze! I just don't know what to think!

My advice to those of you studying is go over everything - I literally dreaded OB and Meds during my studying and neglected them and that is exactly what was on my test (I literally wanted to attack the computer screen when I hit next and would get another OB question!!)

Did I say that God is good??!! Try Him and see for yourself!!

I know some of you may want to know what I used to study and I did Kaplan for questions and Hurst for content. My scores are below. I hope this helps!! Keep doing questions, reading the rationales, and praying!! And when you're done praying, pray some more!!

Kaplan Scores

Diagnostic 49% (which sent me into a panic and led me straight to Hurst for some content)

QT 1 69%

QT 2 69%

QT 3 53% (another panic moment)

QT 4 62%

QT 5 65%

QT 6 69%

QT 7 67%

Readiness 61%

Qbank (100% complete) 61%

Kaplan Sample NCLEX tests

Test 1 72%

Test 2 58%

Test 3 80%

Hurst Sample Tests (only did 3 out of the 6)

Test 1 64% (80/125)

Test 2 69.6% (87/125)

Test 3 74.4% (93/125)

Also used Lacharity and the study guide (not endorsed by you know who). I only did about 10 chapters and scored anywhere from the 60s-90s!!

And I studied for about 5-6 weeks.

What do you think helped you the most on the exam? Were you thinking "glad I learned my labs" or "good thing I knew that certain med"? What do you fall back on during the exam, is it your knowledge base?

Thanks, Applejacks36!! Yeah I was completely freaked out by the few SATA I got! Every time one popped up (which literally seemed like ever 10-12 questions) I would pray that I got another...and nope, nothing for another 10-12 questions....ish was cray cray hahaha! But I've seen threads on here where some only got 3-4 and still passed! And I literally keep doing the PVT (a lil psycho about it if you ask me.....but I still can't believe I'm done!!)

Anne36 - I only had a few questions it seemed like with lab values! But labs are the easy things to remember, so definitely get those down. Like I told my mom, I felt like I knew nothing on that test - some of it was so obscure and things that I had NEVER heard of and then some of it was really basic when I figured out what the question was asking which would have me second guessing myself because I'm thinking "nawh, you can't be asking that?"....but like Aunt Marlene says the NCLEX hospital is "perfect" and everything you need to answer the question is right there on the screen.

I really think that Kaplan questions helped me to critically think and dissect the questions! I did descent with Kaplan and I thought there questions where by far the hardest (compared to Hurst and Saunders) and probably closest to NCLEX....but still NCLEX questions were like nothing that I'd ever seen before. Very bizarre test!! But if I can suggest one thing, is content, content, content!! That is the foundation!!

I also agree Kaplan is most like NCLEX. I used Hurst and Kaplan. I ditched Hurst after awhile and turned to strictly using Kaplan because I really liked how their program improved my critical thinking skills.

Congrats RN!!!!! I am so happy for you!!! I am taking NCLEX this Sat and I hope to feel what you are feeling at this exact moment! I am nervous!

I agree, applejacks! Kaplan really gets you to think beyond just knowing the basics and memorizing facts!! So I think Kaplan is a great investment - my school used it throughout my program so I never felt like I had to pay for it since it was incorporated into our tuition!

I liked Hurst because I'm auditory/visual learner and I enjoyed the way they broke things I LIVE for those southern accents hahaha!!

Good luck xxiangel!! I will lift you up in prayer!! You can do it!!

Specializes in ER & ICU.

Great Job now it's time to start a new and exciting career :)

Thanks Chad!! I start my new grad program with Kaiser this coming Monday!!!! God is awesome!!! And I'm so excited to start this next phase and new journey!!

Congrats, RN!! You must be so relieved. I take my test on Saturday and I'm a ball of nerves. I only started studying about 2 weeks ago (lifelong procrastinator) with Kaplan and I'm about halfway through the tests. I also read a few chapters in Exam Cram and did some questions with the Saunders book.

Diagnostic: 68%

QT1: 73%

QT2: 56% (almost cried)

QT3: 60% (almost cried again)

QT4: 66%

QT5-7: Not completed yet

Readiness: 67%

Q Bank: 62% with 41% of questions completed

SATA questions are my weakness. I pray I don't get too many. I graduated form a truly accelerated ADN program and I feel like I just memorized a lot of the info for the tests, and once I was done with the class, I purged my brain for the next class. We learned memorization more than we did critical thinking, so I feel like that will put me at a disadvantage for the NCLEX.

I keep seeing all this information about the Pearson Vue trick and it seems to work for everyone. I hope I get that good pop-up, too. Until then, clorazepate and loperamide are my 2 best friends lol :D

"Did I say that God is good??!! Try Him and see for yourself!!" Haha I like that, too cute! Congrats to you!!!:yelclap: You must be on cloud nine. I take mine next week Friday and pray that I will pass!!!

Best wishes on getting a job and enjoy being a nurse :nurse:

Congrats, RN!! You must be so relieved. I take my test on Saturday and I'm a ball of nerves. I only started studying about 2 weeks ago (lifelong procrastinator) with Kaplan and I'm about halfway through the tests. I also read a few chapters in Exam Cram and did some questions with the Saunders book.

Diagnostic: 68%

QT1: 73%

QT2: 56% (almost cried)

QT3: 60% (almost cried again)

QT4: 66%

QT5-7: Not completed yet

Readiness: 67%

Q Bank: 62% with 41% of questions completed

SATA questions are my weakness. I pray I don't get too many. I graduated form a truly accelerated ADN program and I feel like I just memorized a lot of the info for the tests, and once I was done with the class, I purged my brain for the next class. We learned memorization more than we did critical thinking, so I feel like that will put me at a disadvantage for the NCLEX.

I keep seeing all this information about the Pearson Vue trick and it seems to work for everyone. I hope I get that good pop-up, too. Until then, clorazepate and loperamide are my 2 best friends lol :D

Good luck to you on Saturday!! You have really solid scores!! Don't freak out when you get a score that you may think is low...they don't define you or your ability! I have a classmate who got a 54% on QT7 (which they say you should get a 65%) and she passed with 75 questions!! I'm sure you will do great!!!

Good luck, Shar Pei!! I will say a prayer!!

Thanks for the congrats!!

Specializes in Neurology/ Adult Psychiatry.

Can anyone explain what is included or what content is covered in SATA questions? SATA abbreviation is new to me.

Thank you!


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