Published Jun 28, 2006
3 Posts
Did anyone else pass with the computer stopping at 198. It is such an odd number to shut off at.....I dont know what to think! ADVICE?
107 Posts
My test stopped at 160 something, felt dreadful, convinced I had failed. But I passed! I'm sure you'll be fine.
131 Posts
i don't have any advice to offer, other than most people i know who took the nclex (myself included) felt pretty pessimistic after the test, no matter how many questions we got. i don't think the computer shutting off at 198 means anything other than you passed or failed. you can't tell which it was just by the number.
good luck!
p.s. welcome to the allnurses.
Thank you! It helps knowing that others stopped at odd numbers too!
28 Posts
Hello Tiffado
I took NCLEX-RN last June 16. The computer shuts off at 263. I was skeptical about it. Thank God I passed. Found out a few days after, which was like an eternity. I believe numbers don't mean a thing in determining whether you pass or fail. It's how you answered the questions. So, let us know how you did.
God bless.
1,249 Posts
I took it back in the old days - and had to wait 6 weeks to get the results!
LPN1974, LPN
879 Posts
I took boards so long ago before NCLEX even existed.
We did it on paper with pencil, marking the answer sheets,
and it took 6 weeks to find out I'd passed.
In 1974. California.
Quickbeam, BSN, RN
1,011 Posts
Oh, yeah...the dreaded "GN" period. 2 days of testing,too.
16 Posts
Don't freak out. I went to the bitter end and passed. I was told that if you go to a higher number you roughly have a 50/50 chance of passing. Think positive!
SharonH, RN
2,144 Posts
Yup 2 days of testing with a pencil and paper plus waiting the 6 weeks. I had to fly to another city to take mine and stay overnight in a hotel all of which was paid by my hospital thankfully. Those were definitely the bad old days!
sabRN2b05, BSN, RN
121 Posts
My test cut off @ 75 questions but 2 of my classmates that I know of took all 265 questions (they were devastated!!) and still passed. Just think positive!!
Let everyone know when you get your results!!
502 Posts
Yes, but they're over and we never have to face testing like that again!