Took NCLEX-PN today, don't feel good


I took my nclex-pn today and it cut off at 85 questions. I really don't feel good about it. I had at least 4 or 5 drug questions on drugs I have no clue what they are.

Also, a couple of drug dosage questions. All I did was type in the # the question was asking for and nothing else? is that right? for ex. instead of typing "210 ml" I would just type "210". I couldn't remember if we were to type in the units or not so I didn't. Do you remember what we were to do?

I did fail, I can tell, I will be one of the few that fails at 85 questions.

anyway, thanks for everyone's support, I will let you know how I did when I find out.

:crying2: Kellie :crying2:

I took my nclex-pn today and it cut off at 85 questions. I really don't feel good about it. I had at least 4 or 5 drug questions on drugs I have no clue what they are.

Also, a couple of drug dosage questions. All I did was type in the # the question was asking for and nothing else? is that right? for ex. instead of typing "210 ml" I would just type "210". I couldn't remember if we were to type in the units or not so I didn't. Do you remember what we were to do?

I did fail, I can tell, I will be one of the few that fails at 85 questions.

anyway, thanks for everyone's support, I will let you know how I did when I find out.

:crying2: Kellie :crying2:

You don't have to type in the unit of measurement. Just the number. If you try to type in letters you will get an error message.

I am betting you did just fine. Please keep us posted.

Keep us posted! fingers crossed for you....

Good luck. I'm sure you did great!

I know that this is easier said than done, but the test is over. Try to take it easy, and try to think positive that you did pass.

I wish you the very best of luck!!

I PASSED!! I am now and LPN


thanks for all your support

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Peds, LDRP.

CONGRATS!!!!! I hope to be in the same boat in a few weeks!

Do u have a job yet or where do u wanna work?

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