Took NCLEX PN Aug. 30th.....85 quest.


Hello fellow NCLEX takers. I sat for my boards yesterday at noon. The comp cut off at 85 !!! I was in such a daze the hole test. I seriously feel like I only knew 10 answers and the rest I guessed. I got 4-5 SATA, LOTS of rooming in, infecton control, pharm...but no math, and data collection quest. I left the testing center in SHOCK !!! I think im still in shock....I keep going over and over quest. in my head and its driving me crazy. Im from Cali and unfortunately I wont be able to receive my results until 30-45 days :0( via mail. My gutt is telling me that I failed cuz I noticed my quest. kept going back to rooming in and infect. control. Grrr...........................


Hi! I took my test on Aug 13th and still waiting. I called the board a week ago today and they told me that they were mailing out Aug 5th. I called the board yesterday and she told me that they were working on Aug 7th. I was so mad!! I am never calling them again....LOL Why would it take them a whole week to do so little? Waiting this long is just ridiculous. At this rate, I might get my results by Oct 1....LOL Tomorrow is going to be 5 weeks and when I took the NCLEX I had no idea the wait would be this long. They say in the booklet up to a month, well it is longer than a month!! Ok, I am done venting now....LOLOL

My test stopped at 85 questions and took me 1 hour 45 min. I don't remember alot of my questions but I had about 5-6 math questions, 5-6 drugs, atleast 10 if not more of sata and prioritizing. I feel that I did ok but that doesn't mean that I have passed.....The NCLEX is a test unlike any other and one that I only want to experience again when I sit for my RN.

I feel that the answers were the hard part of the test. They word them so oddly.

Good luck to everyone that is waiting. YES, the waiting gets easier as each day passes, anxiety will eventually turn into madness......LOLOLOL

I am with you!!! I just took the nclex pn on fri august 29th. I also live in ca and will not get results for at least 3 weeks.... though the board said that they are averaging closer to 5 weeks right now. my test shut off at 85. i left the test center in a daze.... I was thinking.... What on earth was that??? I seriously think that there was like one question that I was sure of my answer... like 15 or 20 sata.... only 1 math...tons of meds i had never even heard of...questions were really really vague and seemed to be totally up for interpretation, as far as what the question was asking or what one of the answers actually meant!!!! I reviewed with saunders and kaplan and eri.... did 5 mock exams in order to pass school and still this test was just totally nuts!!! Anyways lets all hope that ca bon hurries up with our results!!!! I swear if i hear one more person complianing about having to wait 2 days or even 10 days for results!!! ugh i would die to only have to wait 10 days...... HANG IN THERE GUYS!!!! BE SURE AND POST YOUR RESULTS WHEN YOU GET THEM!!!

It is very grueling that CA takes that long to process the result. I took mine last 11 September. It was my second time taking it and the first time I had 205 question, I failed. But this time, it shut down at 85 questions, and the entire thing was just a daze for me. I do not know what to make out of it. I am very happy that there are people like you that I can lean on and share my moments with.

Hi! I'm with you cali guys and gals...this wait is a killer. I took the test on the 9th of sept. Lots of prioritization and delegation. 5-6 sata, 2 math calculations, about 6 meds and lot of infection and isolation. Shut down at 85 q's. Felt numb when I got out of there. Felt like I was floating. Like I don't know what hit me. Felt like most of those questions were out of this world. Praying we all pass.

My test was very similar to yours. Same thing, lots of prioritization and delegation, only 1 Math question. It is very nerve racking what they do to us here in CA....very sad. But everything is in God's graceful hands. Let us hold on to that for right now. Just share your feelings and know that you are not going through this alone.

I took the Nclex-pn last Wednesday, September 3. I had like 3-4 SATA everything was about Meds, 5-6 Pharmacology, 2 Calculations and a lot of prioritization and infection control. My test ended at 85 questions. After the test I was really positive that I failed! But I found out today that I passed! Good luck to everyone!

Congratulations!!! Welcome to the world of nurses!!! God bless!

Why isn't that every state has the quick results??? I'm confused?? That really stinks! I don't think I could of waited 4 weeks! I'm so sorry Cali..... on a lighter note, I took mine on Sept. 10, and I found out I PASSED ( I was 99.9% sure I didn't pass)! Good luck to everyone and hopefully you find out soon!!!

Why isn't that every state has the quick results??? I'm confused?? That really stinks! I don't think I could of waited 4 weeks! I'm so sorry Cali..... on a lighter note, I took mine on Sept. 10, and I found out I PASSED ( I was 99.9% sure I didn't pass)! Good luck to everyone and hopefully you find out soon!!!

Well I wish it was only 4 weeks! This really stinks!!! Can you tell that I am getting frustrated. Tomorrow 5 weeks and they are still working on the 7th of Aug. I tested on Aug 13th........

Well I wish it was only 4 weeks! This really stinks!!! Can you tell that I am getting frustrated. Tomorrow 5 weeks and they are still working on the 7th of Aug. I tested on Aug 13th........

Yes, it is very frustrating indeed. God bless and our prayers are with you.

Why isn't that every state has the quick results??? I'm confused?? That really stinks! I don't think I could of waited 4 weeks! I'm so sorry Cali..... on a lighter note, I took mine on Sept. 10, and I found out I PASSED ( I was 99.9% sure I didn't pass)! Good luck to everyone and hopefully you find out soon!!!



Did you have 85 questions as well?

CA has to do something about the wait for your results, Don't the know that students panic and stress about stuff like this!! I am sure you did fine, 85 is a good number!!!

All I know is that this wait is KILLING fair LOL....It will be three weeks this sat. since I sat for the boards and I keep going from Oh I think I passed to.... theres no way I passed. Grrrr............I hate this. Is there anyone out there that failed at 85 quest. and if so what kind of quest topics did you get ???

I too sat for the NCLEX-PN in CA... it's been over 4 weeks and still waiting. Per the BVNPT board, due to recent budget cuts they had to lay off 10 people - hence the serious delay for results. Right now it's a MINIMUM of a 6 week wait for results. :banghead:

Best of luck to you all! :chair:

I too sat for the NCLEX-PN in CA... it's been over 4 weeks and still waiting. Per the BVNPT board, due to recent budget cuts they had to lay off 10 people - hence the serious delay for results. Right now it's a MINIMUM of a 6 week wait for results. :banghead:

Best of luck to you all! :chair:

OMG that is ridiculous and unacceptable........ we pay all that money for this!!!!!!!!!! It has been 5 weeks for me today and I am getting ticked....LOLOLOL :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

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