Took kaplan twice and nclex twice at 265 questions I think I failed again


hi out there i'm in desperate need of help. i took kaplan twice hoping against hope that i missed something, i ended up taking the nclex twice at 265 it's been 3 business days and i haven't heard anything, btw i'm in ca which doesn't participate in quick results. i was a good student in nursing school and i don't know why i keep making such stupid mistakes.

am i depending on kaplan too much?!

Btw I ended up only having to do 75 questions, saunders (4th edition) is truly the best!!!

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Hi, Cquest,

Thanks for your postings. I have just failed the NCLEX-RN for the second time. I used Kaplan online review for the second time and the NCSBON review for the first time. I also am thinking about using Saunders review. I did get put on Suzanne's list but abandoned ship for Kaplan. I think I am going to use the Saunders book this time and only this resource. Can you tell me how you reviewed with this book?

Thanks April :cry:


I actually failed it my first time and I was so depressed and sad that I withdrew from the social scene altogether. I had to forfeit the job that I was offered and then all the student loans started coming through. Needless to say I was truly bummed out. I was so pathetic to the point that I was sucking my thumb in the corner of my room. But I eventually snapped out of it and I was more determined that ever to pass it this time around because there was no other option.

I focused on Kaplan this time. I read and studied from the Kaplan course book and I did the question trainers and a few of the question bank. 2 days before my second NCLEX I did the question trainer 7. When I drove to the test site I put on some of the most outrageous music. All the "I'm number one" and "F this I will get through it" type of music. It really did get me going. This time I didn't feel so nervous. I was more angry and took it out on the test. I used my ID to block out the part on the computer screen where it tells you what number you're on. Last time I was obsessed with it shutting off at 75 and when it didn't I fell apart. So this time with my mug shot id photo blocking I just focused the one question at a time. Needless to say I got all 265 questions AGAIN!

After the test I was miserable. Came home and ran straight to my notes and nursing books and was kicking myself in the booty for missing this question and that questions. I had panic attacks the night after the test. So for the next two days I made myself stay busy. I ran around volunteering to clean this and organize that.

It's so strange but I passed. I found out today, early this morning, my brother calls me and tells me to check the BRN website. When I saw my name I wanted to be pinched, I mean I was sure that I failed because I felt that I had did worst that the first time.

So don't give up and have faith in yourself. All you can do is know that you did your best. I'm still waiting to wake up from this surreal dream. I wish you much luck and keep up posted. - sorry for the long post

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