I work nights 12 hrs with just one other nurse for almost 80 residents. We wrote up an aide who left the shift hours early without permission The only one she told was a med tech on the floor she was supposed to be on. I had a talk with the med tech and told him he was not authorized to let cnas leave early. We wrote the other one up for leaving without authorization. Anything couldve happened up there, a code another fall a masssive med tech med error . I am not willing to stand idly by and let a med tech or a cna or anybody else endanger my license. Me and the other nurse r responsible for everybody in the building.
The boss apparently talked to the aide who then proceeded to rant and rave about me behind my back saying her leaving wasn't my business etc. I disagree. It became my business when the other aides had to pick up her slack and couldn't take their breaks and those residents did without care they needed because it was a weekend and she had a party to go to.
She said she didn't get wrote up so if she's not lying then the boss didn't show her the writeup. That is a hard call since mgmt never ever follows thru with things. I spoke to both supervisors and told them I refuse to b put at risk like that. I keep very detailed records of events like this. For my own protection. I've been to court once and don't plan on being pulled back!
Was I wrong to write her up? I don't feel like I was but I know the dirty looks and attitude that I'll get in return. I honestly don't care about that at this point but as nurses do we not have a right to protect our licenses ????even if it means ******* a few people off in the name of what's right?