Published Dec 20, 2015
29 Posts
I am a registered nurse in the Philippines and is thinking of working abroad, preferably USA. I am in the process of the NCLEX etc, no problem with that. Although I suddenly had second thoughts of wanting to pursue this or not. What I'm trying to say is maybe I'm scared of being homesick and being independent for now. I know how good my life will be in working in other countries but there's something that's stopping me from leaving. Should I still continue this challenge? or just stay here and live normally? (I think the answer is pretty obvious but I want to hear your opinion and support)
Thanks in advance.
dishes, BSN, RN
3,950 Posts
Before determining if you are emotionally ready to move to the US, you should determine if the move is even feasible, the US labour market is currently not in a shortage cycle, most of the hospitals are able to fill vacancies with US educated nurses.
505 Posts
You can't go get a ticket to USA unless you can get and tourist visa and they are almost impossible for people in your country.
You could go work in Middle East and not be able to go out in public alone unless you get permission, not be allowed to drive a car, etc. IF you go to Middle east find an open city
Maybe take a trip to Singapore and look for work over there, once you secure it then get you work visa.
Another option is too look into IT, it is what USA is short in and bringing in workers from mostly Middle Eastern countries due to shortage of qualified employees here in USA
Thank you for the advice, I'm all okay for those matters. I'm just confused all of a sudden if I really want this or not. Part of me does and part is scared but at the same time excited as well. Just some mixed emotion hehe :)
Thank you for the concern and info, but I have the visa :) Just afraid of being homesick I guess. hehe
YOu can always go home if you get homesick.
Personally I would just stay in Philippines and live there. USA is stressful and people in general tend to be unhappy and/or stressed out
I would just stay in Philippines where life is easy and relaxed, and everyone knows how to have a good time.
Cost of living is so low in Philippines and you will live a stress free and relaxed lifestyle there, You can come to USA and join the world of "Time is Money, Work Work Work and no time for friends of family, Here when our elderly get sick or old we tend to put them in an old folks home, family is not that big of deal in USA like your culture.
But as I said you can always go home if you don't like it.
Thank you for finding time to reply :) . I'll still try my best to fight the homesick feeling.
CrunchRN, ADN, RN
4,553 Posts
You are young enough to give it a go and if you aren't happy then go home. Your English is awesome by the way.
kbrn2002, ADN, RN
You will never know how much you might like working abroad if you don't do it. As long as you keep enough money aside to buy a ticket back home if you need to return I would say go for it. Otherwise you might always have that "what if" feeling if you don't at least try it.
Be smart about it though and have a job and a safe place to live lined up. Do your research about the area you are interested in living in before you move.
Whatever you decide, good luck and enjoy your adventures!
455 Posts
I worked abroad for several years, and didn't get apprehensive for the first time until I got on the plane! Cried like a baby... and quickly got over it as soon as I got there. Loved being abroad, but I didn't really get homesick. I went home once in a few years, and once my sisters came. That helped. Bur make sure you really want to go, first!
Rocknurse, MSN, APRN, NP
1,367 Posts
You can do it if you want to, it just takes time. I moved here from the UK 13 years ago and I never regretted it for a minute. My life is amazing in so many ways and I'm glad I came. However, one thing nobody ever told me about was the culture shock. It took me a good couple years to get through that but it's something each person has to go through themselves. Just be prepared that life here is very different. It's great, but it's different. You can always try it and go home if you don't like it. I'm staying thing I ever did.
128 Posts
If you have the key then go for it! unlock the opportunities! :) yes, homesick is real and somehow it can really affect you in all areas, it's normal for you to feel homesick when living overseas because it's not your culture, you'll miss everything about Philippines but I know that you can do it, as Filipinos we know how to adapt and as much as possible we find ways to live life the way it should be. Soon enough, you'll gain new friends and you will get used to it.