Published Nov 29, 2007
447 Posts
Please, how long do you have to register for the NCLEX. I graduated, did the first step where you submit a passport photo with THAT application. How long after that or graduating do you have to register with Pearson Vue...the registration where you need to pay $200?? What is the timeframe for taking the actual NCLEX exam...what is the time period before things expire. Thank you.:monkeydance:
129 Posts
Your best bet is is to call Pearson. Once I filed me papers I received an authorization to test that gave me the dates. I don't know if this varies from state to state??? Sorry I was not more help.
I called Pearson they were unable to give the answer i was looking for. They were only able to tell me the timeframe once i REGISTERED for the exam. That is not my question. My question is: How long do you have to register??Ive graduated nursing school in August, went to the state board of nursing did whatever we do there for our county. The next step is registering to take the long do i have to do that? Can we register whenever we feel like it or do they give us so many months past graduation or applying to the board???
I dont have the money to register and i need to know how long i have. I called the state, waiting for them to call me back. ANY INFO IS HELPFUL
i guess no one knows the answer to this question. i was told i dont have a timeframe but it's anyone's guess????
16 Posts
I don't know if it varies from state to state. But here's my
Well, after graduation... let's say you/your school sent the application in with the receipt of your finger printing to the state BON. You or your school (just depends who did the actual filing) will receive the OK notice from your state BON to apply to Pearson Vue. This will be your be your approval letter for your application. Now, as soon as you get the your approval letter there will be instructions on the letter directing you to complete registration for the NCLEX through Pearon Vue. Once your registration is properly completed and accompanied by the proper payment you will receive an authorization to test letter (ATT). This ATT/authorization will be valid for 90 days. Please note that the validity can not be extended regardless of the reason.
However, if you choose not to test before it expires, then, you will simply have to go through the whole process again as stated above.
Pearson vue will not be able to answer any questions without your ATT letter because pearson requires eligibility status from your state BON. You will need the number on your ATT letter to schedule an exam date. Please keep in mind that without your ATT letter you will not be able to set up a date, because the number is very important.
Your ATT letter will be sent to you by mail and through email if you listed an email address on your registration, I received mine by email along with info for the quick results, you will be able to look up your test result after 2 days from test date if your state participates in the quick results look-up for just $7.99. If you pass, you should immediately apply for your license.
On the day of your test you will need to bring 2 pieces of ID to the Pearson vue testing center, recommended ids are your ATT letter and a photo ID, your photo ID must have the same name as shown on the ATT letter. If you recently changed your name you will need to bring a legal document supporting your name change. To be safe, be sure to bring a photo ID that looks like you, like a recent photo ID. I hope this helps! Good luck and happy studying!
1,845 Posts
It took a little over a month from graduation for me to take my test. I sent my passport photos and fingerprints and resisted with pearsonvue before I graduated. Total for all $300. I graduated Aug 7th and the Director of the Nursing program sent our eligibility papers to NCBON. IT took NCBON about a month to email me the ATT. I took my exam on Sept 8th after I watched the cancellation schedule like a hawk for an earlier date. Most of my class mates took their test late September-Early October.
I called Pearson they were unable to give the answer i was looking for. They were only able to tell me the timeframe once i REGISTERED for the exam. That is not my question. My question is: How long do you have to register??Ive graduated nursing school in August, went to the state board of nursing did whatever we do there for our county. The next step is registering to take the long do i have to do that? Can we register whenever we feel like it or do they give us so many months past graduation or applying to the board???I dont have the money to register and i need to know how long i have. I called the state, waiting for them to call me back. ANY INFO IS HELPFUL
OK let's see. You asked how long do you have after graduation to register for the exam ...
It will boil down to your finger printing. Like the state I'm in, finger printing results is only good for 6 months for NCLEX applicants. This is what the state BON looks at in order to issue an approval letter for the licensure application before you can even register with pearson, as pearson requests eligibility status from the BON. Here, after 6 months you will have to go through the whole application process from scatch. Also, keep in mind that it usually takes 2 weeks after registering with pearson vue to receive your ATT letter. Good luck and I hope it all works out well for you!
pagandeva2000, LPN
7,984 Posts
I remember sending my information with the filing fee two weeks before graduation. I received notification that it was received along with another form with a grid about three weeks after that. Then, another two weeks and I had my authorization to test (ATT) and scheduled it three months after that. It was really a fast process, when I think about it. Scary, too.
I strongly advise to try not to wait too long. Life passes you by, and you want the material to be as fresh as possible when you sit for the exam. Best of luck to you!
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
I dont have the money to register and i need to know how long i have.
The longer you put the registration process off, the longer you go without earning those precious dollars as an LPN/LVN. After you're working as an LPN/LVN and earning decent pay, the $200 registration fee will seem like an inconsequential afterthought. Good luck to you!