Published May 3, 2013
Brian, ASN, RN
3 Articles; 3,695 Posts
I'm sure many of you have reached that point where you just wanted to slam the computer up against the wall. Did you ever come close to doing it? Have you done it or know of someone who has? Please share your stories with us. ?
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617 Posts
I call it COMPUTER-CIDE and I contemplate it all the time!!!!!!
TerpGal02, ASN
540 Posts
LOL. Wanted to do that while looking for my first job. Want to do it alllllll the time with the laptops on our med carts at work. They are allllll slow. I could probably shave 15 minutes off my med pass if they didn't suck so hard. Oh and all the "fatal errors". Got so many the other night I was seriously considering Office Spacing the thing LOL.
nursefrances, BSN, RN
1 Article; 601 Posts
Ugh! The worst for me was when I would be giving insulin and needed another nurse to cosign. Then the computer would crash stuck in the middle of my insulin documentation. When the computer was rebooted and I tried to rescan the insulin to document the computer would read "unable-nursefrances is giving insulin to same patient" (paraphrased). THAT was a problem and VERY annoying.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
I agree with the computer-driven charting systems we all have to use now. Takes time away from patients and has so many of the riduculous things like nursesfrances just mentioned that yes, I'd love to toss the whole thing out the window!
Bring back paper charting!!!
The truth is, this is a hot topic with medical folks. One awesome local NP decided to take early retirement because the new system made her feel like she was neglecting patient care in the clinic and she ended up staying late to finish computer charting. One excellent local doc has hired a scribe to follow him around and do the charting so he can spend time with the patient. Another local doc ranted and raved about it with me when I brought it up during an appt.
I have a former teacher and good friend who is in nursing informatics and I rant and rave to him regularly. He sees an end to the frustration someday but not soon.
363 Posts
There is a learning curve with any new technology. It may take time but the kinks will eventually get worked out of charting software.
203 Posts
Never trust a computer you can't throw out the window.... Wozniak
1,026 Posts
yeah when my computer becomes so slooooow...
Sneaky Chicken
9 Posts
As a nursing student I feel like I am tied to my computer. I would like to sneak out of the window and get my old life back. The computer can stay where it is.