Those of you who have taken your NCLEX I need you!

Nursing Students NCLEX


I know this is the same old story, but I am so nervous I can't function. I am taking my NCLEX on Monday amd I am so scared. I did very well in Nursing School and ATI said I have 99% chance of passing on the first try. I've been taking the Saunders, Prentice Hall practice tests and have been averaging low 70s. I do the QBank Kaplan questions and can't get better than a 62%. I have been so depressed and nervous ever since I started trying to do the Kaplan questions.

Is there anyone in my similar situation that can share their story with me?

:nuke:Probably everyone. . .

Sincerely, does the stress ever come to an "end?"

Be confident in your ability to pass yet another test in your academic career. . .

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Think positively but also try not to study over the weekend and give your brain chance to rest


I tell people this all the time, If you believe you are doing everything you can, then you walk into that test confident and your head held high!!! Have confidence in yourself, and know that you have prepared for this! Ofcourse you are nervous, thats natural, I'm nervous too...BUT in the mean time, just keep on studying, and don't forget to take breaks from studying to RELAX....Good luck to you

Specializes in Pediatric Intensive Care, Urgent Care.
I know this is the same old story, but I am so nervous I can't function. I am taking my NCLEX on Monday amd I am so scared. I did very well in Nursing School and ATI said I have 99% chance of passing on the first try. I've been taking the Saunders, Prentice Hall practice tests and have been averaging low 70s. I do the QBank Kaplan questions and can't get better than a 62%. I have been so depressed and nervous ever since I started trying to do the Kaplan questions.

Is there anyone in my similar situation that can share their story with me?

Those are good scores...70s for saunders and 60s for kaplan. Dont worry about the scores you are doing just fine and those scores indicate you WILL :smokin: do fine on NCLEX...just keep studying diligently! Good Luck


Specializes in Clinic, Travel Meds, Acute Clinic.

Your story sounds similar to mine . . . but I passed the first time (Feb. 2008). I scored high on the HESI exit exam (96%), made A's in school, but only scored in the 70's on the Saunders review. In addition, I was up all night with a "raging UTI" the night b/4 the test! I got the minimum questions and I cried when I left the testing center because I knew I flunked. I didn't! and I realized that I truly was well prepared to take the test. Just do what you know, think through each question and give the best answer.

Sounds like you have been well prepared. You are ready for this!

Let us know how it goes.

Hi Student2Registered,

I'm scheduled to take my NCLEX soon and like you, I'm not too satisfied with my Kaplan scores. A friend of mine who graduated from my school and just took the NCLEX said the scores are great and we will be more than prepared to take the test. She was an average student in school and studied for 2 or so weeks for NCLEX. She answered 75 questions and walked out in 40 minutes, and passed!

Good luck!

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