Those studying for the CPNE- here's a huge tip


I paid the $50 to have the study guide printed and put on paper.

If you do NOTHING else, print pages 411-491.

Everything that you need to pass is on these pages. These are the actual check off sheets that the examiners will be using to check to make sure that you are following things according to the "Excelsior Way."

I am pulling these pages out and taking them with me every where I go.

I strongly recommend doing this- it simplifies everything, and there will be absolutely no question as to what they are looking for, and you will only be studying what you need to know, not all the extra stuff.

This has changed my whole look and studying process here. I am also using Rob's CPNE dvd, but these sheets are the way to go for me.

Good luck!

I plan to go to a workshop. Did any of you do the modules with excelsior like the "Beginning cpne" "cpne documentation" "cpne skills" or did you just read the guide and go to the workshop. Don't want to go to the workshop looking like an idiot, and there are so may flashcards, skills kits, I just don't know where to start!

Specializes in Surgery, Med/Surg/ICU, OB-Peds, Ophth.

This is a GREAT thread! I really wasn't too worried about the CPNE until now :uhoh3: but with my goals of being done with exams (4 left!) by April, it may not be that far off anymore. I am so anxious to get there but Whoa...lots of ground to cover! It has been years since I have been a floor nurse as I have been in the OR for 10+ years. Thinking a workshop will definately be a good idea.

Specializes in LTC, Family Practice, Meg/Surg.

Hey anyone know how I can order Rob's DVD? and how much? Also, is it best to buy his DVD, and NOT Excelsior's? One more question, anyone pass the CPNE without doing the workshop? I can't afford it, and the nearest location is about an hour away :(

Specializes in HOME HEALTH.
hey anyone know how i can order rob's dvd? and how much? also, is it best to buy his dvd, and not excelsior's? one more question, anyone pass the cpne without doing the workshop? i can't afford it, and the nearest location is about an hour away :(

hi, i passed the cpne oct. 5 this year with no repeats. i took a workshop and used rob's dvd's and i really think rob's helped me the most. rob has a website. i think it's something like you should be able to find it.

I took the CPNE 12/3-12/5 passed with no repeats, and no workshops. I used Rob's DVD (watched 2 or 3 times), but what was the most helpful is his mnemonics. You can look here to see my other study details and tips

Specializes in LTC, Family Practice, Meg/Surg.

Ok thanks, I found it :) and congrats on passing :yeah:

Five years late to the party here, but let me tell you, this really opened up my eyes to what the heck I should prioritize in my study time. Thank you and THANK YOU! I honestly would have never thought of this, not to sound too naive, but this would definitely be the no brainer. Looking to conquer this monster not too long. I truly endorse this advice and will do my best to pass it on to fellow CPNE mates. Cheers!

Robs CPNE is not worth $500.00. I did everything he asked and in the right order. I failed the CPNE. His videos did not show you how to do it THEIR way, which is most important. Robs materials are great study materials for nursing in general, but not for the CPNE. If I would of spent less time with Robs materials and just concentrated my time in the CPNE portal I probably would of passed. Maybe worth $200.00. Wouldn't pay $500.00.....and still having to make payments on his study plan after you fail is the WORST!

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