Those who get it - get it, Those who don't - Never Will.


Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg, ED, Psych.

This post is dedicated to all those non-nurse's, pre-nurse's, still-in-school-but-not-yet-clinical-time nursing students, inappropriate families, non-compliant patients, and the public at large.

To all it may concern:

Do NOT tell a nurse that his/her job is easy. It is brutal physical, mental, and emotionally EXHAUSTING work. I have heard you saying that you could do it - just passing pills and then sitting down reading a magazine.

Let me tell you this.

My job is more complex than any job you have or ever will have. I am responsible for people's lives. I am on the top of my game at all times.

Your job is sitting at a desk for 8 hours with a 1 hour lunch break. I have you beat. I have a 12 hour shift with 30 minutes for lunch (if I am lucky).

Why if I am lucky? Let me tell you why - its because I have 6 highly complex cardiac (that means heart) patients that are on the verge of having a major hear attack at any given moment while I am on duty.

No, the doctor is not there telling me what to do. Most of the time, its the NURSES who provide the care and tell the doctors what to do. Nurse's are the one's who see the patient deteroiate and inplement lifesaving interventions before the doctor arrives.

To those angry, ****** off visitors:

Get your hands off your hips. Uncross your arms from your chest. Do not raise your voice to me. Do not give me angry dirty looks from the doorway.

If I have never met you before, why do you assume I know who your infirm relative is? And since I don't know, why do you get a nasty attitude with me?

There is a right way and a wrong way to ask for something. Use manners. "May I and Please" go a long way.

Keep in mind that any threat you make towards me will result in the security department escorting you out, the police will be involved and you will not be able to set foot near me ever again.

Make sure that you clean up after your visit with whomever.

To the world as a whole:

Leave me alone when I am off duty. I do not care in the least about your eczema or your runny nose. I am not going to give you any medical advise other than common sense (tissues, handwashing, make an appointment with your MD). NO, I can't and won't "score" you free narcotics from my work. No, nurse's are not sleeping around with the doctors or having sex on duty. No, male nurses are not all gay. No, we are not angels of mercy. No, nurses are not idiots or handmaidens.

Yes, nursing it a versatile profession - its not limited to hospitals. Yes, nursing is "rewarding" (but most nurses this day and age do not go into it due to altruism alone its split 50/50 with income durablity and altruism).

In summary - there is more to nursing and nurse than you will ever know.

Those who are nurses or know anything about the profession of nursing will understand some of this.

Amen. I work in the ER and I know exactly what you are talking about.

Specializes in PICU.

Your title alone said it all. Those who get it, get it. Those who don't, don't. No need to go into it further and no need to explain or defend what we do to those that don't do it.


Specializes in Med/Surg, DSU, Ortho, Onc, Psych.

Hear hear, wish they would circulate something like this to the public in general every few months or so JUST TO REMIND THEM we are not there to bow to their every need, or to pander to relatives' sometimes ridiculous requests, or to tolerate ANY abuse - including having to change our ways for other cultures.

Not a nurse yet, but I get it. My cousins will enjoy reading this.

Here is a line that I have used many times.

"If I have to explain it, you wouldn't understand anyway,...If you understood,... then no explaination would be needed"

Specializes in Med-Surg/ ER/ homecare.

Awesome. Couldnt have said it better myself. Now if only I could hang this up somewhere at work....

Specializes in ICU, ER, EP,.

You can't fix STUPID... I hear you loud and clear and live it too, but it is what it is... stupidity. Yeah, treat the nurse that is caring for your family like crap... see where that gets you... geeze

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

A true anthem of how we feel. If I were able to pass this out anonymously in every patient manual, hang it on a board, or even snail mail this to everyone I encounter, it would be worth it. Thank you!

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

i totally agree with your post -- could have written it myself if i'd thought of it. i'm glad you did!

Just curious, how old you are and how long you have been a nurse?

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