This weeks readings for Nursing....

Nursing Students General Students


Ok, Nurse-student wannabes...I am on study break and decided to give you an idea of what is in the course packet and what must be done before next Tuesdays test (9/23)...

I encourage others to share as well....

From the Fundamentals of Nursing the following long, boring chapters...25,24,32,27,42,26,15,30, Table 15-1, 15-2

From the Fundamentals of Nursing Study Guide read Ch. 25,26

From the Interpersonal Relationship book read Ch. 23

Pharmacology - read Chapters 1-5

Pharmacology Study Guide - just read the whole book...

Do a math pre-test - Dosage Calculation on WebCT. No credits will be given. Know all math equivalents.

View Computer Modules in the computer lab - Modules 2,4,6,8: length - 3 hours

From the Health Assessment Book read Ch 14,15

Read 2 articles on documentation from a nursing magazine and prepare to discuss in class.

Turn in paper to instructor on why you want to be a nurse.:chuckle

Begin to review 100 prototype drugs from the Drug Guide book, preferably Mosby.

View Asepsis Video before class, and prepare to discuss...

Review all course objectives from the above.

vitals signs checkoff in the Skills lab - Tues.

Friday - clinicals orientation, must wear uniforms.

My husband just stopped by and asked me if I was busy......:roll

Ok...this is what is on my calendar.....:stone

back to studying....bye bye:chuckle

grades are relative, I guess. I was not an "A" student going into my program, but quarters 1 and 2 I pulled an "A", and 3 and 4 I pulled a B+ (mind you, there was only one "A" out of each of those quarters, with 32+/- students). Clinical is pass/fail, so our grade depends completely on theory. It is graded as follows: 1/3 final, 1/3 midterm and 1/3 module tests. Kind of scares you, but it is not as bad as it sounds. Fundamentals is alot of reading, but wait until you move on... in my third quarter, we had 1000 pages of reading/week! And I thought it was all relevent (or I was scared to death it would be if I didn't read it :0). Every instructor is different and you have to get into a groove with them to figure out what they look for in particular out of the students. Some are good lecturers and some are not. Some quarters, it was actually a waste of time to go to lecture; I could have spent that precious time studying. So I suggest skimming relevent material and going back to access it when studying. Works for me...


Okay, I am TOTALLY SCARED out of my MIND, what little I have. I am a C stu in Science, does that mean I will fail???? :uhoh3: HELP!! I will be starting in the Fall! Heather

WOW, what a schedule. Are the BSN program that fast paced and full time.

rpbears advice is 200% on point! Make a note of it. I do all that she listed.

Would you say you've adjusting ok to this demanding schedule.... or is it still rough? are you? I can brag on my time management and organization skills. I tape record the lecture with a digital recorder, also. I am adjusting and am trying not to complain, because I try to remember...I left a job to pursue this, so I must now deal with it. I try to stay ahead of the readings and use any free time I have, so I can have time to spend with hubby and maybe even polish my toenails or have some 'me-free-time'

(((BIG HUGGGG BACK ATCHA))))) all other free time goes to the nurse-wanna be's. I hope we can calm their nerves.

Okay, I am TOTALLY SCARED out of my MIND, what little I have. I am a C stu in Science, does that mean I will fail???? HELP!! I will be starting in the Fall! Heather

Dublin....if you want it, you will do it. Think positive. I don't think you would fail just because you have a C in science.

Good luck and let us know how you are doing!


My schedule is about the same. I'm taking 18 credits. I'm just now learning which classes I can skip the reading for, and which I need to do. They say the difference between an "A" student and a "B" student is the "A" students will be able to answer the questions on the test that were found in the reading, but not covered in lecture.

So far I've been doing all the reading (which basically means I have NO life), but I then find myself bored in lecture b/c I just read everything in the book!! So I may start skimming rather than really reading. It's just so hard b/c the classes are so interesting! Especially pathophysiology-- I love it!

The most stressful for me are the fundamentals skills. We have to videotape ourselves doing a skill that we pull out of a hat. Could be anything from dressing changes to blood glucose testing to patient transfers.

Specializes in OB.


I have tried to share that advice with everyone I know in the nursing program, and after they start doing it their lives become easier and they seem to have less stress. People can't believe that I get the grades I do without doing all the reading. The thing is I am spending more time actually LEARNING and UNDERSTANDING the material, not just spending hours reading something that I don't want to. Remember the exams are not set up for you to spit back facts, they are set up to test your knowledge and understanding of the material. You can think your way through the questions if you really know it forwards and back.

Another piont is know your Anatomy and Physiology, especially when it comes to cardiac and congenital heart defects. If you know what a ductus anteriosus is you will know what a patent ductus anteriosus (PDA) is. And if you know the normal blood flow through the heart you will know how this will affect the flow of blood. Makes sense huh?

Good luck!

Specializes in PACU.

Is this serious???????????????

Oh My Gosh!!! OH MY GOSH! I'm just thinking about my poor eyes. You mean you can still actually see well enough to dispense meds afterward? That cinches it for me. I'm just gonna sit back and enjoy this last semester of just being a pre-nursing college student.


I can relate nursebucky!

It seems that I read and read and read some more.......and somehow there is still more reading to do. I am also supposed to find time between classes, reading, studying, work, kids, etc. to watch the required videos on reserve at the college library.


We WILL make it through!

Specializes in OB/GYN.

*ggg* Nursebucky, you little pickle! Don't scare them all away!!!

I am currently in nursing school too........... YES it is overwhelming......... you look at your weekly planner and think "No way! I am NEVER going to get through all that/get it done!"

But guess what? You do, and if you love it enough, you will. Yes, it's hard, yes there will be nights when you come home and cry your eyes out saying "I don't want to do this anymore!"

But after a good cry, one always feels better! Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start all over again.

My tips for studying.................... read for hpwever long you can before you get boggle-eyed........... take a 10 minute break.......... stand up/do something else......... go back to your studies. And try to get some form of exercise at least twice a week. I find an hour long run 3 times a week keeps my head clear and myself free from tension!

Hang in there, guys!!

Sashibeak.......... over and out!

This thread has me scared too.

How do you guys think the amount of material in nursing school compares to my current load of pre-requisites? I'm taking Anatomy, Chemistry, Zoology, and English Comp. What I hear here sounds like what I'm going through with these classes.

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