Things you'd LOVE to be able to tell patients, and get away with it.

Just curious as to what you would say. Mine goes something like this:


Hi, my name is AngelfireRN, I'll be your nurse tonight.

I am not a waitress, nor am I your slave.

Yelling and hurling obscenities at me will not get you your pain meds any sooner than they are ordered. Nor will having your family member or entourage do the same.

Threatening lawsuits and having umpteen family members camp out in the halls or hold up the nurse's station will not get you preferential treatment.

Physically grabbing me as I go down the hall is NOT a good idea.

I do not give the orders, but I do have to follow/enforce them. This is something that you should take up with your doctor.

No, I will not call him again to ask him for more pain medicine. He has been called twice and has said no both times.

No, I will not give you his number so you can "straighten him out".

No, you are not my only patient, and I highly doubt that you are single-handedly paying my salary. On the off chance that you are, let's talk about a raise.

NO, NO, NO, I most empahatically will NOT come get you when it is time for your next pain shot while you are having a smoke break. I also will not bring it to you in the smoking room. (Have actually said that, I am allergic to cigarettes. I did it once, had an asthma attack, desatted to 83, and turned blue, according to the patient and my charge nurse, after the patient had to help me back to the floor).

No, I don't really care if your family has not eaten all day, they drove here by themselves, they are not sick, and no, I will not call for 6 guest trays. (This of course, is if the patient in question does not need all 6 family members present, and is not at death's door).

No, you may not have 3 six-packs of soda from the kitchen, there are other people that would like a snack, too.

No, they will not open up the kitchen up just for you, at 1 in the morning, because you don't like the snacks we have on the floor.

I could think of hundreds, but those will do for a start. I know it sounds mean, but this is why I got out of bedside nursing. When a hospital becomes the Hilton, I'm gone!

Have fun!

Specializes in Community, OB, Nursery.

It's a flipping Colace. I don't care whether or not you take it. Just make up your mind and tell me yes or no, because I don't have 20 minutes to stand here while you talk yourself into and out of it a dozen times.

Your baby is sick. Really sick. I know you want to skin-to-skin with him, and believe me, I'm all for it. Except....your baby is sick. He is going to NICU, and he may even get shipped to another facility, he's that sick. Accusing me of interrupting your bonding time isn't going to make him get any better. (Note: I get that parents are scared and feel out of control. That's why I say it here so I won't be tempted to say it to them.)

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

"If you ever, EVER pull a stunt like that again, you will be dismissed from this facility and banned from the premises."

To the hooskerdoo who ran out of a exam room and stopped our doc as he was leaving. Flung herself at him and claimed she had to see HIM, and only HIM, and that she called and THEY said she could.

Well, Doc is old. He's not in the best health and he gets tired. He also does not drive, so when his ride is there, it's time to go. Add into that the fact that NO ONE told the woman acting the fool that she could see him.

I read her the riot act as soon as I got her away from poor Doc and him out the door. The nerve.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

AngelfireRN, I just love seeing your rants. Always so entertaining. Make me feel not so bad about the stuff I have to deal with!

Thank you so much for sharing!

I don't care if you're an RN, your dog still gained 15 pounds in the last year.


Specializes in Med/surg, Quality & Risk.

WHY do you hit the call bell 10 minutes after your doctor has visited you (and of course, has JUST left the floor) and insist on "getting him back here I need to talk to him?" YOU JUST DID TALK TO HIM!!!!

(this happens about once a shift)

Fuzzy said:
I don't care if you're an RN, your dog still gained 15 pounds in the last year.


Guilty!! But in my defense, part of my dog's weight gain was that he's gotten congestive heart failure, so he sometimes fills up with fluid. ? But he's a fatty too. ?

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
Fuzzy said:
I don't care if you're an RN, your dog still gained 15 pounds in the last year.


He was three months old the last time you saw him!

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

Flip the above, 

"Are you sure you guys are feeding your new puppy enough? He isn't anywhere as big as your other dog is?" said the brand new vet tech.

"Yes, we're feeding him enough. Mannie doesn't conform to either CKA or AKA size standards but we knew that when we adopted him. Ollie is show quality and conforms in every way. He's nine

months old now and weighs 56#. An average adult male shar pei weighs between 55-65#. Mannie weighs 88# (but isn't even a pound overweight) because he's more like his mastiff ancestors." Our vet said Ollie has the required Jeep Cherokee frame while Mannie's more Hummer-esque!

Mannie and Ollie are uncle and nephew and share 50% of their championship genes. The difference?

One is pet quality while the other is show quality, but they're both our equally beloved spoiled rotten baby boys!

Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

There was nothing wrong with your son because he's stayed on his meds. No, it isn't just that we don't want to readmit him again. There has to be a recurrence of his symptoms first.


Let me explain as there is more to the story. The problem with this dog was that it was a 100# dog in a 60# body. It's blood glucose was 345. The urine showed a high glucose and high ketones. This nurse was contradicting everything that the vet and I was trying to tell tell her because she was a nurse. The "conversation" got even better when it came time to discuss insulin therapy. I just left the room and let the vet handle that. He came out of the room shaking his head. He said RN or not, she didn't have a clue.


Specializes in ortho, hospice volunteer, psych,.

I'm sorry, Fuzzy. I just get so frustrated when people (including some at the vet clinic) assume either Mannie is HUGE or conversely, that we can't be feeding Ollie enough because they are so different not just in weight but skeletal structure. AARRUUUGGHH!

They eat the same food but one gets the adult Blue while the other is being weaned onto the adult formula from the puppy formula Blue.

Our neighbors' one elderly chocolate lab has diabetes and sometimes, despite their best intentions, his BS is totally out of control and they're both physicians!

Specializes in med-surg, psych, ER, school nurse-CRNP.

The next time you try to sneak in the back door (because we've already locked up for the day and we are CLOSED!) to ask an asinine question (after signing an agreement to NOT ask that very question), you will be treated as a trespasser and dealt with accordingly.

The gall of some people...