Thia ia a post to those just finished their very first semester in nursing school:)

Nursing Students General Students


You have your very 1st semester of nursing school behind you....what are you thinking? What did you totally not expect in the classroom and clinical setting? What are some lessons you learned in your first semester? I am still gathering my thoughts because I have so many mixed feelings about the semester. I DO know one thing for sure...I am definately sticking w/it. I love it, and I know without a doubt that nursing is where I am supposed to be.

Specializes in Emergency Dept, M/S.

I love it even more than I thought I would.

I will admit, the first few days of school and clinical, I thought about just not coming back. There were so many routines to learn (how to get the correct info on the pt. the day before clinical, so I could present the pt. correctly, learning how to do all the stuff we HAD to know by lab each week, when it was stuff I'd never done before, etc.) that I thought it would never be "old hat" like all the instructors said. They were lying, I was sure of it.

But things quickly got easier, and I realized I loved taking care of my pt's. It was no longer hard to go into a stranger's room, introduce myself as their student nurse, and actually help them with the private ADL, show compassion for a stranger that was hurting, mentally and physically, and help my fellow classmates whom I'd just met a week or two before. And they said we would become a very tight unit. No way - they were lying about that too, right? Wrong I was.....again. I actually MISSED not seeing some of my clinical classmates this past week. I had a couple of them actually say to me, that they WANTED to be with ME next semester in clinical. ME??? Are you serious??? I'm almost twice all of your ages! But they love my sense of humor and compassion and stupid jokes - usually at my own expense.

("They like me! They really like me!" said in my best Sally Fields voice! LOL)

I'm definitely looking forward to a month off, only because I'm divorcing and buying a new home and moving and need a little rest, and would like to search for some part-time work as an LNA. But life in nursing school is good. The 2 1/2 hour commute each day isn't bugging me nearly as much as I thought it would. I love my instructors - most of the time!

But most of all, I'm discovering things in all areas of my life that I never knew existed. Things that may have been buried forever, but for the experiences that have now brought them out and are shaping the new me.

I did not expect to feel so connected to the patients. Every patient I have, I think...they have a family, a life, outside of the hospital. And where we were this semester (oncology) made that very difficult for me to deal with. I truly was not expecting to care so much about my patients. I went into nursing because I like working with and helping people, but I didn't realize how much of a difference a nurse can make. I think it is important to see that side of your patients and be personal with each and every one. I know that is what will make me a great nurse :)

Honestly, I did not expect so much drama between nurses, student nurses, and nurses aides, etc. I am told we were on a good floor, but I saw some things that were inappropriate and rude. I hope it will teach me to be respectful of everyone once I am a real nurse.

You have your very 1st semester of nursing school behind you....what are you thinking? What did you totally not expect in the classroom and clinical setting? What are some lessons you learned in your first semester? I am still gathering my thoughts because I have so many mixed feelings about the semester. I DO know one thing for sure...I am definately sticking w/it. I love it, and I know without a doubt that nursing is where I am supposed to be.

I am so glad that this semester is over. I have a love hate relationship with it all right now. Sometimes I want to walk out and never look back other times I wouldn't give it up for the world. I didn't care for one of my instructors because she treats us all like children. I liked clinical most of the time. I was annoyed at how much CNA work we wound up doing. I understand that it helped us learn in the beginning of the semester but I wound up doing so much CNA work I didn't have time to completely assess my pt, do wound care ect, or even finish my charting. I hated the way the other student nurses from another school that were CNA's and talk smack about us. Finally I just told my CNA that I would help when I could and that I had other prioritize to take care of (sometimes that didn't go over so well). I did however love giving a bed bath on a CA pt, which was dying and unresponsive. He had a temp of 102; we applied ice packs and cool washcloth as well as give a cool bath. His temp dropped to 100 :). Next semester I have to learn to be more assertive and not let the staff run all over me. I know I will be even more tired next semester as I have 1 5 hour lecture a week and 2 8 hour clinical. Other than that it was an interesting experience. :rolleyes:

Specializes in Med-Surg, Psych.

This semester had been a very interesting one! :p I was assigned to a LTC facility and felt I did not get the same experience that the hospital-based students received. My patients did not have IVs, foleys, O2, etc and I feel I received limited exposure to equipment and different diagnoses. I am fairly certain I do not want to work and LTC, but have ENORMOUS admiration for those who do.

As far as the college, the amount of work is about what I expected. The exams were unlike anything I had experienced before, but fairly easy to predict now. I still have my final to take on 12/20 and one final week of clinical.

One thing that really bothers me, is I hate not knowing something. :uhoh21: I don't mean something that we already learned in lecture, lab or clinical, but something we haven't even touched on yet. I definetely have to get past that before next semester!

I have one more week to go, just a few finals and evals, then we are off for two(is that it???) weeks.....the first week of school I had a total meltdown and was ready to call it quits, but I am sooooo glad I stuck with it. I have learned so much in the last 16 weeks, more than I ever thought I would. Lecture can get boring sometimes, and I always dread the hours of paperwork we have before each clinical, but I love it. My grades are wonderful, and clinicals are going great. We worked on two med-surg units this semester, and in the beginning I got more experience with colostomies than I ever care to have! Thank god it didnt happen now, as I am newly pregnant and would have been running out of rooms puking, lol....i did end up apologizing to my pt and his wife the other day b/c smells in the room just made my stomach turn...yikes...the most interesting pt we had was an overweight gentleman, who wife was wheelchair bound. He got stuck on the toilet for 2-3 days, we have no idea how, and developed pressure ulcers(is that what I want to say) the entire way down to the took three of us to change them, and I felt so bad for this poor man. He ended up going to LTC, which I think was best for him. The pt i connected with the most was the 38 y/o in for gall bladder surgery(cant spell right now) who had lost a child to stillbirth. It turns out we both lost our first children, both boys, both to cord accidents, and at similar gestational ages(although years apart)....that made me realized that I can make a difference..I love nursing..i wouldnt trade this experience for anything!!!!

Specializes in Pediatrics.

I feel validated. I feel like this is where I am supposed to be-what I am supposed to be doing. I have fears along the lines of being expelled, only because I want this so badly. As far as clinicals, it was difficult getting into a routine and I am still working on my organization and time management. I believe working in the long term care setting this past three months have shown me why I want to be an LPN, but not exactly how to be an LPN. I am so excited about the prospect of spending the rest of my year in the hospital. I am proud of my career and I truly know this is where God would have me be at this point in my life. Has it been entirely easy? No. Do I understand now how people can get kicked out due to absences? Oh yea! Will I step my game up next semester and graduate being the best nurse I can be? You had better believe it!

I'm glad my first semester is over! It's's school and therefore it's something you do just just do it. So I don't really have an opinion on it. It's kind of like going to high school - no one really likes it but you do it anyway and don't really think about it because it's more or less mandatory. Hmm...thought I had something halfway interesting to say. Guess not. Honestly I'm kinda jealous of everyone who loves it and can't see themselves doing anything else. I'm hoping my externship will get me more into it.

Oh, but I have learned I'm horrible at starting IVs but I can handle bad smells a lot better than I thought. But why can I handle actual poo but not gas?

what about rad tech school?

I am so glad that this semester is almost over, have finals this week though, ugh. I can't wait to start clinicals next semester, but I am really ready for a break. It can just be so overwhelming and these past few weeks we have been hitting it hard so that we are not behind, plus I work for the USPS and Christmas is our busiest time of year (not working there much longer though, my last day is Dec 24! :D ) I am so excited to quit my job and just be able to focus on school next semester.

Anyone else have finals still to go? if so, good luck to you. Congrats to those who made it through their 1st semester in 1 piece!


The biggest challenge for me was learning how to be assertive and just go in there and get everything done. :chair: Just after my first semester, I already feel like I have more confidence and I feel like my confidence grew with each clinical.

This is by far the hardest, most stressful thing I've ever done in my life. There was a period of about 2 weeks that I thought I was going to go crazy b/c the stress was really starting to get to me. But, I made it through and can't wait to go back next semester!

I've heard from so many people that you sign your life away when in nursing school.....they weren't kidding. Last night, I actually watched T.V for the first time in months!

I have two more nursing finals and 2 more finals in other classes, and then I'm done for 3 weeks! I can't believe how fast the semester went, yet how long ago it seems that we started. Right now I am "studying" for my final tomorrow at 0800. I'm almost to the point that I can't look at one more note card or study sheet. I'm not trying to brag, but I have done so well this semester (I have all A's--not an easy thing in our school) that I'm afraid it's all going to slip away with finals. I feel like once we are done with the test, I forget everything. And my I still haven't built up my confidence in clinicals. I felt like we did more CNA work than anything, and didn't really use any RN skills in the hospital except for meds. But I still have 4 semesters to go, so I'm sure I'll get my share of practice before we're done. I hate not knowing how to do things--I just want to learn and be good at everything. Congratulations to all who have made it this far! We've lost about 15 students already, and I hate to see anymore go. I know it's been stressful and takes dedication. Give yourself a pat on the back, get some rest, and get ready for next semester. At our school, 2nd semester is supposed to be the hardest. I can't wait!

I can't begin to think of all the things I have learned and all there is still to learn! I am a returning student changing careers after 20 years and I have been learning how to study all over again. I wasn't this afraid when I gave birth!! lol.

I love the patients and enjoy helping them and learning from them. Due to some mix-ups with our clinical location, I only had 5 clinical dates. Therefore, we were rushed to do our first care plan and communication log. I forgot what it was like living on 3 hours or less of sleep:uhoh3: . My final and evaluation is on Tuesday, so I am excited and nervous to see how my instructor viewed my ability.

Good luck to everyone and onwards and upwards!!:balloons:

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