The 6 year journey.


It all started 6 short years ago. A freshly graduated high school senior, confused and scared about my future with more baggage than necessary for a child. On an athletic scholarship at my junior college I distracted my anxieties through athletics, barely achieving the passing grades to continue sports. After a year of below average work I woke up one day with an epiphany; I wanted to be a nurse. I had already screwed up my GPA so badly, how was I ever going to compete with the THOUSANDS of 4.0 students who where applying. Five years of no nights out, and structured budgets. Five years of sacrifice and money spent on a bachelors degree for the soul purpose of getting into a BSN program and raising my GPA. Five years of poverty, discipline, shame when explaining my situation to family a friends, five years of fear of failure, and five years of worth of sweat blood and tears. I have made it. I have made it into one of the best BSN programs into the nation. At 24 I will be starting my final step, a day that I never thought would happen. Whatever you do whether you are 24, 34, 44, or 54, DO NOT GIVE UP. That is all I can say, please whatever you do, do not give up.

Congratulations to all those that have taken the first step or who have finished the last step, it is achievement that many people take for granted :)

Awesome! What a great inspiring story. Congrats again and good luck with your program.

Way to go! and at 24, you are still very young :)

I'm 27 have 5 kids. I didn't start my pre-reqs until 3 years after I graduated. I had 3 under 3 (children) when I started my pre-reqs for nursing. It took me 5 long years to finish my pre-reqs. I got accepted for the RN program this fall :) If I can do it, anyone can.

Specializes in PCU, LTAC, Corrections.

Congrats. I had a journey of my own. It took 8 years but I am finally starting nursing schools in the ABSN program I had my heart set on. At time I feel as if time has been wasted but when I look at the various posts on this site and read the various stories I realize everything happens in its own time. I will be 29 when I finish. I am so excited to continue the next part of my journey.

Congrats! You are an inspiration! :)

Specializes in FNP/FPMHNP-BC.

I really like this post.

Specializes in critical care.

Congratulations on such a beautiful triumph!

Congrats. I had a journey of my own. It took 8 years but I am finally starting nursing schools in the ABSN program I had my heart set on. At time I feel as if time has been wasted but when I look at the various posts on this site and read the various stories I realize everything happens in its own time. I will be 29 when I finish. I am so excited to continue the next part of my journey.

I went trough the same thing, thinking all of the hard work was a waste of time and questioning if it would really get me to where I wanted to go. Even after my first interview this year with schools I was doubting the years and money put into getting me this far, for me it was all or nothing I had no plan B! I struggled when I saw my friends graduating and starting careers years ago but I have come to the same realization, it all happens in its own time. As long as you are patient and dedicated you'll get there. Im glad I took the long way around now, I didnt settle on any program I worked for my top pick and it will be worth it! Congrats on you acceptance, and way to not give up!

"Im glad I took the long way around now, I didnt settle on any program I worked for my top pick and it will be worth it! Congrats on you acceptance, and way to not give up!"

I never knew it was possible to take Pre-Reqs for this long and get accepted. I am always scared of taking just a class in a semester because I thought it will be compared to those that took 3-5 when deciding my acceptance.

Thanks for this post and to all that gave honest comments on how long it has been. I envisaged completing my prerequisite this year, which will be 3 semesters of Pre-Reqs but with my present condition (pregnant) it hurts to tell myself I would have to apply in Jan 2015 when it was supposed to be jan 2014. I will not give up. I will shoot for the stars and hope to come out fly.

Thanks again. Now I have the hope and belief that indeed, it doesn't matter how far, but how well.

Endowed-That is only two years away! About this time in 2011 I decided to go back to school to make myself a better applicant, it was so incredibly hard to think of another two years when I had already been working towards applying for 4 but in all honest the time has flown! It is always easier looking back, but when you are feeling that way look how far you have already come not just how far you have left :)

Congratulations! I went back when my baby was 8 months old. it took me 5 years to finish but I graduated last week!

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