Published Dec 8, 2008
1,845 Posts
whatever you do, do not and i repeat do not use the rope method at the cpne to pack your wound. ec no longer accepts that method and you will fail that lab for trying to use it. they say that the end is to tight. i would suggest the parachute method. a girl at the cpne failed the wound station on friday using the rope method. civita the ca told her that it was not an acceptable method. luckly i was able to show her how to do the parachute method and she passed the following night. but if we had never met over small talk, she would have failed the cpne.take my message for what its worth but you be you will be thankful when you are at the wound station on friday night during your cpne and you pass with flying colors. lynn is still teaching this technique at her workshop and ec frowns on this method. just be careful.
SuesquatchRN, BSN, RN
10,263 Posts
EC taught ME that method in the spring.
Thanks for the word up!
Raggedy Ann
756 Posts
Thanks so much! I guess that is one of the changes for the 15th edition. Huh? Congrats again! Traci
Lunah, MSN, RN
14 Articles; 13,773 Posts
Lynn says that what she is teaching is NOT the rope method; the rope method is actually a tight twist of the entire length of the gauze. I recall faculty (and it was Civita, who posted it back in April -- I could probably dig up the post) on the EPN posting that a slight twist to the end was fine. I think that person would have had grounds for an appeal, had she not passed with the parachute method. Personally, I couldn't do the parachute method -- I just couldn't keep the gauze under control. I used a wacky sort of a modified fan-fold method.
Whatever the method is called, EC is not liking it and people run the risk of failing when using the technique. The reason I brought it up was because the girl specifically told me that she practiced it at the workshop and Lynn saw her do it twice and said it was fine but when she did it at the CPNE, they said that it was the rope method and that it was not acceptable. So that is why I referred it in that context. I want people to be careful and not be put in that situation if they decide to use the rope method or something similar.
Well, they taught me both the rope and parachute and I didn't use either. I used the method I've always used, which is to wet the gauze without contaminating my firled and then just smooshing some water out and laying it in. But I've done a lot of wound care.
545 Posts
Thanks for the heads up.. I need to get that clarified because I find it easier to lightly twist the end for the smallest part of the wound and loosely pack the rest. I have less than 30 days and this is NOT cool for me. I suck with the parachute method..***mini panic attack***
That's how I did and do it. It wasn't a problem. Actually, I more fold the first bit so the loose threads are enclosed.
132 Posts
Yeah,having a mild panic attack of my own!! Open my email and I have an email from ChangeofPace my CPNE study buddy and its saying "Did you read NC girls post? :no:Did you read NC girls post?" :no:What is going on here!!! This is accepted, nope wait a minute no its not. :imbar I think its one of those things were, if it quacks like a duck it might be a duck. So maybe anything even remotely resembling the rope method could be open for interpretation. I guess me and ChangeofPace are going to be packing alot of wounds in the next couple of weeks. I hate this sh*t!! :banghead::banghead: I guess I will survive, maybe I will check in next week and let you all know!!:chuckle:no::stone Slowly losing my sanity, in New Port Richey.
I think maybe rather than panic you should contact Excelsior and get clarification in writing.
Sorry Guys! I didn't want people to panic. That was not my intentions. I was trying to warn that this could happen. Now I feel so bad. I wish I had not posted it. I was just letting everyone know what happened in this particular incident. You can post on EPN for clarifation fron Civita but I believe what the girl said who tested this weekend because she was in a panic trying to find another techique for her makeup lab. I was happy to help. Also Like Sue says, she used a different method other than the parachute and it was fine. There are several ways to do it. I care about all of you and it freaked me out that this happened to her on her CPNE weekend and I wanted others to know about it.Sorry for any confusion.
10 Articles; 18,926 Posts
one of the reasons rope method not used is because in often puts too much pressure on wound bed walls, increasing swelling and may lead to spliting wound wall even to necrosis.
my trick: open 4x4 pack to make 4x8 long sterile base, pour small amount saline on top dressing, don new sterile or clean gloves, open up 4x4 like hanky, gather edge points together, will then look like parachute or baloon and gently stuff inside with points winding on top.
can practice with a tissue to get technique gathering down.
and for patients sake if they send kerlix elastic gauze bandage with homecare supplies instead of plain kling gauze for packing do not use it!!! poor kid with paraplegia sacral wound size doubled overnight --- a prompt incident report and removal of supplies from the home done to prove to homecare supervisor what was sent and used!
back to your regular program.