Published Sep 14, 2010
AngelfireRN, MSN, RN, APRN
2 Articles; 1,291 Posts
About having a genius for a mentor is feeling like an idiot on a daily basis. I love my new job. My boss has been my primary care doc for 26 years, so there are few people I could know better. I knew he was smart, scary smart. That's why I wanted to work with him while I was in school. Learned a ton. Was thrilled when he offered me a job. Am doing well (I'm told) for three months in, and having had to switch from cardiology to Family Medicine.
My peds experience is nil, I sit for boards in Family practice in a week or so (prayers, please), so he sees the kiddos with me until I get my certs, but that genre alone is a wake-up. I've never even HEARD of half this crap! I DID pick up chickenpox today (never even saw that before), and got to see Guttate psoriasis, herpangina, and picked up a heart murmur in a 2 year old the 2 separate pedis had missed (well, I was tickled), so it's improving.
That being said, I'm having the time of my life, with the singleone exception of.....
You can't have Einstein for a teacher without feeling like Mortimer Snerd every blessed waking minute.
Someone please tell me I'll learn all this eventually. And someone please tell me that it isn't just me that felt like this in the beginning. Thanks.
240 Posts
Its not just you that feels like this.
839 Posts
Having someone who thinks you're doing well, knows you well, and has a brain that is available for picking (and is worth picking) is awesome.
Being around anyone who is extraordinarily smart can make you feel like a dummy, despite the fact that you're not. (but it's hard not to feel like an idiot. :) )
I hate feeling stupid so I feel your pain, but you're very lucky! You and your patients will be better off for it in the long run!
canesdukegirl, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,543 Posts
The more you learn, the more you ask questions, the more you soak up, the better you will feel. It just takes time. He didn't wake up knowing all of this stuff, he learned it. You will get there. Don't be so hard on yourself! Consider how lucky you are and know that you have the rare gift of a mentor who is not only brilliant, but also who cares about your well being.
7,098 Posts
I don't see why you would feel like an idiot for not having an encyclopedia of knowledge available instantaneously in your mind after being there for just 3 months! The true idiots are the ones who think they know it all and have too much pride to ask questions when a diagnosis is teetering on the edge. That attitude could shift the weight to one side enough to cause the wrong decision to be made.
Your boss sounds like an absolute sweetheart. :redpinkhe
118 Posts
26 years vs. your 3 months... I think you're doing just fine. Don't stress it too much especially since it sounds like your boss is supportive of you and the fact that you're new to this. Good luck with your boards
Thanks, all. Much appreciated. I suppose, considering that the man has been practicing for 2 years less than I have been alive would tend to give him a bit of an edge, huh?
Thanks for the perk-up. I needed that.
SitcomNurse, BSN, MSN, EdD, RN
273 Posts
there was a point in time where your einstien didnt know diddly.
they got smart by trying and being there for the experience. relish in it, stop beating yourself up over the 'gotchas' that are only in your head!
You cant soar with eagles if you work with turkeys is not about farming! Keep going and good luck, you will do fine! If your einstien has faith, believe in that too!
bagladyrn, RN
2,286 Posts
If a genius tells you you're doing well that should be more of an affirmation for you than coming from the average person!
Keep up the good work!
1,756 Posts
So, he's really smart, right? ...and he picked you! Just trust that this too was a stroke of genius. He knows what he's doing and so do you. Congrats.