The Mockery of Nursing

Nurses Relations


Just a bit ago the top three threads involved:

1.I have a DWI. Can I be a nurse?

2.I am stupid. Can I be a nurse?

3.If it takes me five times to pass NCLEX, Can I be nurse.

Not much left to add. Says it all.

Is this supposed to go with the song "Stuck In the Middle" or the one that goes "Here I am. Rock you like a hurricane"? (Not too familiar with some of the 80s music.)

This would be "Rock you like a hurricane", but taken down a notch.

Now, related to your avatar, if one were to have a stint in the OR or ED, would it be inappropriate to start singing "I wanna hold your glands"?

Note: don't do this in L&D or OB.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
This would be "Rock you like a hurricane", but taken down a notch.

Now, related to your avatar, if one were to have a stint in the OR or ED, would it be inappropriate to start singing "I wanna hold your glands"?

Note: don't do this in L&D or OB.

Probably not in urology, either.

Specializes in Emergency, Haematology/Oncology.

Gary Jules, Mad World.

Gary Jules, Mad World.

All I had to do was read those 4 words and it started playing in my head.

That was a fairly obscure one until they used it in the soundtrack for an episode of CSI.

wodka is too much for me (i am a pansy).... I only drink that when i'm jobless and looking for catheter volunteers.

oooooo!!! Ooohhhh!!!! Pick me!!! Pick me!!!!

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
All I had to do was read those 4 words and it started playing in my head.

That was a fairly obscure one until they used it in the soundtrack for an episode of CSI.

Gary Jules cover of this is waaayyy better than the original by Tears for Fears. Had they been smart, they would have made it like Gary Jules did. It makes you shiver. (Does me, anyway.)

They used this song on an episode of Closed Case a couple of years ago. That was the first I'd head it. Then when I went to youtube and heard the TFF version of it, I was like, "Blech."

Specializes in nursing education.
This one of the reasons I sort of revile my own profession.

How can you "sort of revile" something?

I was going to say, "this is off topic," but what was the topic again? I forgot.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
How can you "sort of revile" something?

I was going to say, "this is off topic," but what was the topic again? I forgot.

Call it "love/hate." There's good in this profession, but there's also a boatload of ridiculousness.

As I oftentimes tell my teenagers, "whoever told you that Life was fair was lying to you"!

My husband says that the only definition of fair is "a place where you ride rides, play games, and eat cotton candy."

Call it "love/hate." There's good in this profession, but there's also a boatload of ridiculousness.

I suppose that there are few professions that escape that. "Revile" is a bit of a strong word, possibly.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
I suppose that there are few professions that escape that. "Revile" is a bit of a strong word, possibly.

When it comes to making nurses do stupid arts and crafts poster boards for something that's essentially a marketing tool for the hospital, yes, that I revile. And I do mean that word.

When it comes to making nurses do stupid arts and crafts poster boards for something that's essentially a marketing tool for the hospital, yes, that I revile. And I do mean that word.

Yes that specifically is worthy of revulsion. I agree.

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